Monday, December 11, 2006
my thoughts...
Do I like the new member? Well, I'm ok with her. Why? Because I don't care. I don't even know her name until now. Something Mitsui? Because I don't bother to find out too. Before, it had taken me a few months to get Koharu's name into my brain. I don't bother with auditions after 5th Gen was chosen. I realize it is just a gimmick to generate sales. They get someone to graduate, then they audition new kids, wait for another year and graduate one again, so that they can hold at least one mega concert every year. Each member is being treated a pawn and sacrificed. I hate that! My expiry date for MM fandom is due when Yossi graduates. I am keeping my fingers crossed though I know it's coming near. Probably end of next year but imo, Miki will go first, next year summer maybe. Why? Because they just have to graduate someone. Look at how the two country musumes are sacrificed for the Jan concert. So when Yossi is gone~ the last essense of the golden era MM in me will go as well.
Maybe they think MM itself is a branded logo so it doesn't matter who they throw in, MM will still be popular. But it does matter. Imagine ppl buying a branded DVD player because of it's reputation but it breaks down after a while because of its lousy spareparts... They should realise that it is the girls that make what MM is today and not the other way round. It is the girls' bubbly characters that make us fans adore them.
*Like cute Marippe's sexy beam bringing out Yuuko's possessive side.
*Like Ishiyoshi gayness bringing idolization to another realm, and later to a higher level with their unrestrained onscreen bickering.
*Like Nono and Aibon relentless pranks which showed how unpretendious idols can be.
*Like Kaorin is THE role model to Gakisan to what a bonafide reaction queen is and, to Erin, what it takes to be an ambassador to planet Mars.
*Like Kemeko who's the average-looker and target of mass bullying though we all know how the girls actually adore her.
*Like Natchin teaching us idols don't always have to be smart when in front of cameras.
*Like Gotchan's X-factor which is the main the reason why Love Machine is MM highest selling single.
Yes, I miss those days....
Honourable mention: Makochan (graduated)
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Who's that girl?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Make a guess.
... drum rolls...
The size of their breasts!
sugoi deshou? I really salute their ingenuity
Thursday, October 26, 2006

she went up to her 'idol', wished her luck and vowed to meet later in the finals.
Sadly, that didn't materialize...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Skylark 5th Stage
Yossi is a lousy player~(残念だから、実です) Her shooting is off key, her passing is weak, her dribbing is slow, her judgement is bad, her free kick always head toward her opponent and, most importantly, she even misses open goals. I would giggle when she touched the ball because I knew she would blow her chances away. No hard feelings, she is still my favourite but sometimes bad is bad, there's no hiding it.
Miki is surprisingly good. Her ball control is better than Yossi. And her drive makes her look intimidating to her opponentts. She goes after the ball and tackles hard. She has got striker instinct and aims at goal whenever she's in range.
Rika plays well too. She has good passing and tackles well. I think she is good with set pieces.
Korenaga: The best player. Without her, Gatas is just an ordinary team.
Tsuji: She improved alot, saving a number of sure goals. I believe she will improve with time, going on to become the tower at the back, just like Konno.
Miuna, Shibata and Asami: They played their standard play. Good job.
Satoda: Another lousy player. She kept losing possession, bad since she was a defender.
P/S: Yossi looked aloof when she was in court. I read somewhere that she said it's about 気合い-- way to intimidate opponents. But I think she doesn't have to put on a stern face all the time. And the way she shakes her opponents' hands... Compare her style to other Gatas players and you'll know what I mean.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
DVD Magazine V0L.9
My thoughts after watching the clip.
(Guess the writing on the back game)
* Reina's really dumb. :P
* Gakisan and Miki are good, especially Gakisan.
* Like Miki's serious expression (shinken hyoujou)
(Do re mi game)
* Miki picking on Koharu? She laughed the loudest when Koharu went off key with the 'RE' line. Then she found fault with Koharu's 'MI' line when others thought that was fine. Takahashi later told Koharu to continue by telling her it's 'daijoubu'. Nice senpai imo.
* During the third round, just when I thought it would never end, Sayumi performed her best 'boke' moment. 'YU' ??
* Miki being mean again. She chided Sayu for her mistake, saying she'd been eyeing that 'Kuruma Ebi'
(Curry preparation time)
* Yossi didn't like to cook? She sneaked off after peeling one prawn, then asked Koharu to help, and later Takahashi.
* Takahashi was kinda cute when she kept complaining to Yossi that the prawn was still moving and there's no way she could peel them. They had to be in the 'red' state!
* Reina is doing a great injustice to striploin. >_<
* Miki can cook! I knew it from the way she held the knife. But then she did look dangerous with the knife, like not paying attention while she was peeling the onions with the knife and she was still talking. I was screaming OMG when Miki transferred the onions, using the blade of her knife, to a tray with Gaki's hand hovering dangerously above it.
(Food tasting time)
* Miki loves meat! She stuffed the chunk of steak into her mouth at one go (actually that's because she can't find a knife to cut it into smaller pieces).
* Miki showed her tyranny side again. She stole Kamei's ebi! Gakisan first noticed it and went "Ebi was stolen~". When Reina also complained "You took my ebi!" Miki simply said "But we already swopped our food".
(Special Translation: Yossi's)
*Favourite curry: Seafood curry, with prawn, squid, broccoli, carrot, potato and... and.. what else? onion, sweet tasting curry and ya I put in eggs too. I like cold curry too (bla bla something else which I cannot understand) .. pouring the hot curry over the cold rice, it's mecha umai (very tasty) beri go0du desu ne.
*type of curry you wanna try: Last year, I was really into Indian curry. They contained alot of spices and tasted really different. That's why I was kinda hooked to it and I would go to Indian curry restaurants 2 to 3 times a week to try them out. I tried the sweeter curries where they put coconut in it and I was surprised that it tasted good. If you talked about curry I'd be biased, well not really biased since Japanese would have it with white rice and Indians, with nan bread.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
There is something (01)

And how she liked to see her favorite phrase for Rika sensei
Or when Rika asked where Miki and Nono had gone to for location filming and Yossi got it right without even trying (or so it seemed). Who could forget Yossi's smirk from her confidence. Not to mention the shocked look from Rika later was equally priceless.
Or wasn't it obvious that only Yossi would pay attention to samui queen Rika, whatever the latter was babbling...
Or Yossi stepping forward to rescue Rika from the disgusting belly (sorry~ that's what Japanese wotas perceived. They noticed Yossi sweeping Rika's hands away). (OA:2006-10-01)
To me, I think Yossi and Rika are the sweetest girls in the whole studio, protecting the boy's modesty (though he has none). while the rest of the girls are laughing themselves silly.
Rika, unpopular?
* The boy tried to cheer Sayumi after she lost and had to drink the bitter tea. Seeing the kind act, Rika said anyone who married Nikukyuu (the boy's name) would surely become postive like the boy. And no one except Yossi responded to Rika.
* The boy then asked Rika how old she would be when he reached 20. While Rika was counting, Yui said '40 years old' and tata~ it's showtime because Rika confronted Yui saying 'when he's 20, I'm only 31!!!'. Sensing an argument about to break out, the cute boy quickly apologized and Rika was embarrassed.
There's another happening in last week's haromoni sukeban judgement. When Rika was in the accused stand, Aya said that Rika was actually a 'oosan' (uncle) because she stands and talks like one, like raising one leg on a stool and resting her elbow on her thigh. After voting, the girls got interested to know how the other two v-u-den members had voted and Miki, being the nosy one, turned back to check their switches. Miyoshi voted 'yes' while Yui voted 'no'. When they were asked why they had voted differently, Yui explained that she didn't mind Rika being 'the uncle' of the group hence she would then be 'the cutie'. Everyone laughed though you could hear Yossi saying 'v-u-den kowaii~' (I guess Yossi knows about the rivalry in the group).
In japanese forum, there are rumors that Rika is someone who is hard to get along. During v-u-den last radio show, Miyoshi even said that Rika was bad-tempered. And Shibata had said that Rika was actually a negative type of person, contrary of what the latter always said or behaved on TV.