Friday, April 27, 2007


These girls are no good to my blood pressure

their CFM look definitely a killer!!!
[don't ask what that means]

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A counting game. (music fighter 2007-04-20)

In the beginning, there were 3...
No your eyes aren't playing a trick on you, one had disappeared

She knew it too and was searching for it now... .

Aha~ we found it! (or did we??)

But there's only two if you add up the one on her right arm and the one on the floor. Where's the third one?

So can you believe it? She lost not one but two bracelets !!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

hm@ 2007-04-07

The new haromoni is more un-scripted who makes me like it the minute the show starts. In the beginning it shows them walking on the streets. Have I told you I like this kind of stalker-like pics? ^_^ and stalking it is, as I make a new discovery...

it's the way Yossi walks... with her knee pointing outwards...
and in wide strides...
I would say she's really 男前~

Next, her behavior...

1. She is friendly, since she's the only one who bothers to wave to a group (who are watching them). 2. She like kids.

Notice the rapport they shared? Like both ignoring Sayumi.

. .

3.You know what they say about people who often cross their arms?
(They are insecure and kept to themselves.)

4. Yossi doesn't really like dogs (unlike previous h!m episode, with Reina, and the one where she bathes the dog with mud). She isn't scared of dogs like Reina is, but you can see she's just not interested in them. She don't go crazy and crowd around just to play with them (unlike Miki)..

Another interesting find...

Maybe Yossi and Miki aren't that close. Because...

when Yossi said she liked the old man's sandals, Miki was caught jeering, perhaps having doubts with Yossi's fashion sense.

And when Miki asked Yossi how much she'd left, the reply was half-hearted and she didn't even bother to look up at Miki. Things that Yossi shows interests in...
Miki feels absolutely bored with it.

Therefore can you imagine when Miki becomes the leader in two months time?

She doesn't care about team work at all.
she eats alone...

and leaves the group behind...

Which we all knew she eventually did.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Nazo nazo~

Here is a picture of Rika taken from backstage scenes of 2007-01-28 H!P concert. Okay, you may now ponder what's wrong with these pictures?

We skip that and move on to the screen shot of Yossi before MM's performance of Egao Yes no Nude of the same concert.

Get it?




Okay, check out the earrings.

Onaji deshou?~


Dokidoki suru no?


It's a false alarm.

It so happened that earring is part of Egao's image. Reina wears it too.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


The way she looks at her...
sometimes a little interaction...(Y: told you these games suck right?)(R: you're absolutely right now that I'm seated here too.)
or going to extremes just toget her cracking up like that.
and who can forget those often smug smirks...
and the self-imposed trance state...

sometimes a disapproving chide here and there...

but they won't stop... not even when Nono is seated between them.