it's the way Yossi walks...
Next, her behavior...
1. She is friendly, since she's the only one who bothers to wave to a group (who are watching them).
2. She like kids.
Notice the rapport they shared? Like both ignoring Sayumi.
. .
3.You know what they say about people who often cross their arms?
(They are insecure and kept to themselves.)
4. Yossi doesn't really like dogs (unlike previous h!m episode, with Reina, and the one where she bathes the dog with mud). She isn't scared of dogs like Reina is, but you can see she's just not interested in them. She don't go crazy and crowd around just to play with them (unlike Miki)..
Another interesting find...
Maybe Yossi and Miki aren't that close. Because...
when Yossi said she liked the old man's sandals, Miki was caught jeering, perhaps having doubts with Yossi's fashion sense.
And when Miki asked Yossi how much she'd left, the reply was half-hearted and she didn't even bother to look up at Miki.
Things that Yossi shows interests in...
Miki feels absolutely bored with it.
Therefore can you imagine when Miki becomes the leader in two months time?
Which we all knew she eventually did.
You've picked good points here. I noticed Yossie's walk style right away too :D And she really care about others. *sigh* I'm gonna miss her as a leader Y__Y Oh, and I agree with u about Risa. Somehow I find her annoying >_o
Kuwashii desunee! For me I liked the new Haromoni like you do.. I liked your observations on Yossi's behaviour, You just forgot to add one more thing, she likes wandering off somewhere alone. Eri on the other hand likes to drag someone along with her, in this case, Miki.
I don't understand why you don't like Risa-chan that much tho.. She's ok I guess... The only thing I don't like about her is how she acts so superior around Eri and Ai esp when they do or say something dumb
And poor Sayu!! She likes kids but the kids don't like her! I know people like that! Its fun to watch them try get the affection of the kid but not fun to be them. Me, I just try to stay away from them. Watch from afar.
Lastly Miki, she's a mystery. She didn't seem interested throughout the whole show. The only part interesting was her sudden close friendship with Eri (I'm begining to like Eri more which is why I notice her more) Really have no clue how she'll fair as leader.
Btw.. your officially my new buddy whom I tell my H!P obsession stuff to ok? But unfortunatly mine won't be as kuwashii as yours haha
[I noticed Yossie's walk style right away too] >> that's because we all can't get our eyes off Yossi :). I look at her only during the whole show and it's only when I re-watch the show that I'll go notice others :P
[I agree with u about Risa. Somehow I find her annoying >_o ]>> Yeah~ High five! She's getting annoying day by day.
[she likes wandering off somewhere alone] >> Yep~ see, you're observant too!
[The only thing I don't like about her is how she acts so superior around Eri and Ai esp when they do or say something dumb] >> oh, you just brought up another detail to make me dislike her more. Hahaha. Dominating and an attention seeker. You know how sometimes you have classmates who behave like that too. Someone who acts like a know-all. (imo, Risa has worst GP knowledge in the group.)
Sayu is cute. Those who like kids can't be bad people (that's from my life experience.) well... that doesn't mean those who don't like children are bad people... haha. Okay I think I better skip this before I get more wrong.
[Miki, she's a mystery. She didn't seem interested throughout the whole show.] She's the 'bochap' type. Stronger word will be 'self-centered.' I can understand people who acts like that, because I'm one myself. She understands haromoni@ is work and she's there because she has no choice. Professionalism? When the body builder covered the camera on the pram with his shirt, she's the one who noticed and removed it. And why she asked Eri what's the mini plate used for and why she bought the CD from the ice cream vendor, it's all for variety sake. So I think she'll be a no nonsense leader (similar style like Nakazawa) who'll have a favorite 'disciple' (Yuuko has Mari.) Her leadership philosophy will be Do your job well, other than that, I won't bother with it.
Like you, I am liking Eri more :)
your officially my new buddy whom I tell my H!P obsession stuff to ok? >> No problem, 'bring your horses over' haha.
Hey, long time reader, first time reviewer. I realy liked your review of this HM@.yeah about Yossie's walk, I can't really describe it, it reminds me of a cartoon character or something. but about Risa, wow you must really hate her. Is it hate or do you just find her annoying, so annoying you wouldn't care if she left Morning Musume. Anways I like your blog alot.
Hi younglink107, didn't know you read this blog here too. Welcome :). About Risa... I don't hate her... nope I don't. You're right when you said 'annoying'. Yes, that's the thing that strikes me when I see her on TV.
Woah Kata this is your blog too?!!wow I thought this was a totally different person, haha.
ei, i like your observations from the show. I havent watched any of the new H!M shows. ^^
hehehe nice observations on how yossie walk. ^^ she looked so cool especially with her hands on her pockets.
yossie with kids are cute. hahaha i laughed when they both ignored sayu...
my best friend hates risa. XD
miki... miki would be interesting how she would handle the group. :/
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