In Year: unknownThe focus should not be on Kaorin, but on the picture she is holding.
.ccan someone tell me where's this from?
In Year: 2003
This too is common...
This should be new to some of you. All the time, we thought Yossi was taking Nono's picture when her model was actually somebody else. (Click pic to clearly see Rika in the insert pic.)
In Year 2006
Some people might argue there was nothing wrong with teammates holding hands
nor with the body alignment, despite Mai being right next to Yossi.
Shippers of the other pairing would only notice M-san's hand on Yossi's shoulder though I am only interested in how Yossi had acted subconsciously. (They couldn't cut this scene because the girls are cracking jokes on Makochan.)
Even when they weren't in the same group for 2 years now, they hadn't stopped being close to each other...
one sweet moment in hm2007-04-01

People ask why Yossi never gropes like others. It is because she only gropes Rika. (Gif file, click to see the 'action'.)
Ahhhh NICE!~^^
I vaguely remember some of those, but others are definitely new to me...
Oh, the body language! XD
Haha!... Now I finally understand why she said "Nanka hikarechatta" [I got attracted somehow] right after she (seemed to have) took Non's picture! It wasn't Non-chan but Rika-chan after all! -I'm talking about the 2004 picture in case you don't know-
Jeesh your damn poll... I don't wanna vote. Cuz I can't choose!
Oh yea... btw that pic of Yossi pulling back Rika's hair is probably from the making of that commercial about a Honda scooter back in 2002 I think.
Steph beat me to it >.<, Yup that's where it's from. Awesome post this time around... so much ishiyoshi gets me light headed! Yeah the last post you made (TIS 27) totally blew me away. I've come to the conclusion that you're a lurker for the major H!P forums. The ishiyoshi kissing topic was held in hitomi heaven not so long ago. I remember i was bummed cuz i had never seen a kissy pic of Ishiyoshi. Then BAM! the next day you had a post of it... i was freaking out of how freaky that was. I thought my wishes were coming true... so i wished i had a million dollars, needless to say i'm still a poor highschool student :'(.
I forgot to mention! slow down the GIF plz. It oddly makes me dizzy @_@.
@steph; And if you rewatch the clip, it WAS Yaguchi who asked Yossi why she took a picture. That proved she is a ishiyoshi watcher. And Yossi looked blushed when she said 'hikarechatta~'.
@poets; I lurk everywhere. ^^ I don't post much because sometimes, my words don't sound music to some people. That forum is full of shippers of the other pair and my single voice gets buried with no effort. I find it funny how someone who's not familiar with the history of MM dares to challenge for 'proof' or 'evidence' that ishiyoshi 'existed'. It's true that the two girls aren't touchy onscreen, that doesn't mean they aren't on good terms. In show biz, we can't see things on the surface. Nono and Aibon smooched each other alot. Are they gay? Miki and Aya kissed in their PV. Are they gay? It's okay to like the other pair. It's okay to say you like the sexiness the other pair oozes. But it's not okay to write off other pairings just because hitomiki has the most followers in the forum. Their parochial attitudes don't allow room for ishiyoshi which they apparently disliked. (Because I remembered I posted some pics when someone asked for proof of Yossi ever looking lovingly at Rika. And as expected, every pic was deemed 'not fit'). And sometimes things you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's advisable to be fully knowledgeable of the H!P scene before forcing your dogmatic belief on others. (Hitomiki is 'real'? for example.) So I guess the best way to 'silence' them is to slap them with a shocker pic. Alright, enough of my tirade. ^^ Anyway, I don't think I can fulfil your million dollar wish. Haha~
Enjoy this site while it's still around. I am stopping with TIS posts as I think Ive done enough and whatever that's needed to convince ppl. Another propaganda fulfilled. ^^
eh?! you're leaving this blog too?
sono tori desu~
Awww katatsumuri please don't stop! How else am going to know of the new ishiyoshi stuff. I need my Ishiyoshi vitamin
I'll post new ones though... (if there's anything worth mentioning =P )
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