Friday, December 21, 2007
CDS 無事に終わりました~
As expected, there is no ishiyoshi lovexlove. A little surprise though that Abe is the secret special guest, but not everyone is happy; especially fans who bought tickets just to see ishiyoshi. The reason is simple because Abe's sudden inclusion takes away Yossi & Rika solo time.
There will be another show on the 23rd. Any guesses for whom will be the special guest?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
My dear~ it's alright.
My favourite Ishiyoshi vid.
The hug from behind spoke volumes. ^^
Yossi & Rika's CDS with Sharan Q is on tonight. I am looking forward to it, though the pair is always all prim and proper when put officially together. So don't expect much.
Just 1444
* Rika and Yossi had lunch in Osaka (with staffs tagging along).
* They had motsu nabe with Kemeko in Osaka.
* Rika was spotted in Yossi's gakuya (Nagoya concert).
* Rika was spotted in Yossi's gakuya (Osaka concert).
* Yossi went to watch Rika's performance (Double casting musical).
* Yossi, Rika and Maichin watched a soccer match in a hotel room.
* Rika, Yossi, Yaguchi and Yasuda went for an 8-hour drinking session.
* Rika and Yossi appeared for EGG's (concert) rehearsal to give advice. (*see below)
* On the day Ongaku Gatas filmed their PV (first single), they went out for lunch with Konno.
* Karaoke session with Maichin (the latter arriving late).
* They had okonomiyaki with Maichin in Osaka.
* They sent an picture email showing their 'dresses' to Kemeko during their CDS because they were wearing a dress Kemeko once wore for her CDS.
* They went to Kemeko house.
Also: Yossi was always around Rika during Gatas's public practice. Although they weren't always chatting, fans said Yossi would be near where Rika was. Example, during one public practice, Yossi had been sitting at a particular bench for 'eternity' until Rika appeared during the second half. Yossi then stood up and walked, almost casually, to Rika's side, but they didn't talk and Yossi just stood next to Rika (who was seated). In the famous 'ice-attack', Yossi shoved a ice packet down Rika's jersey that made Rika shriek out loud. Another time, Yossi did a monomane of a cheering squad, marching and whistling. Inspired, Rika took over the whistle and copied Yossi. (Did your head scream 'indirect kissing'!! There's more...) Remember the time when the Gatas members were official for some matches? As it was her turn after Yossi, Rika just took the whistle from Yossi and began blowing on it.
Fans also noticed that unlike what was portrayed on TV, Yossi and Miki seldom interacted during those practises. And during July's public practice - the time when the whole world already knew Miki was dating Shouji - fans said they could see the other members 'ostracizing' Miki. Even the crowd went 'shin~~~' (quiet) after Miki had made her speech. That's how bad a scandal can affect your popularity. And if you were to guess who was the most popular Gatas member, will it be Yossi or Rika or Konno? Wrong. It is Satoda~ Yeah Maichin!
* an EGG said Rika and Yossi were there to give them advice for mr.moonlight. She thought Rika-senpai had taught them alot, but when it was Yossi-senpai's turn, Yossi just told them to forget whatever Rika had said. (LOL)
Gatten Gatas 2007-12-17
Ishiyoshi EXPLOSION~~!~~!
I love Maichin for this episode~ (you'll know why...)
Hear it first...
Now, who wants to try translating?
Keyword: monosugoi (ものすごい), kankeisei (関係性), Rika, shaberu (喋る),neta (寝た), Yossi, shouganai naa~(しょうがない なぁ~), futon (布団), kakete (掛けて), ageru (あげる)
If you understood, you would have turned into a big mass of sweetened glob.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
CDS 2007-12-15
Ayaka: E~ Christmas is next week? I don't take note of this festival because in Japan, it is more for couples. In America, families celebrate New Year Day more.
Yossi: The family will gather to eat 'chicken'?
Crowd: Turkey~ Turkey~
Ayaka: It's turkey.
Yossi: Is the word 'Tucky' derived from Kentucky (fried chicken)?
Ayaka: Kentucky is an America's state.
Yossi: Kentucky is a place in America?
Ayaka: Yeah~ I am still better than Yocchan when comes to things concerning America.
(Me? I already died laughing.)
* Yossi talks about OG taking centrestage for both their performances in FNS and Best Artist with current MM supporting.
* Gatas had their first in-house training with new members from 7 Dec to 10 Dec during which there were people who cried, people who don't think much and people who got angry. When the crowd went 'woo', Yossi told them to discern for themselves who had gotten angry and they laughed. (My guess is either Miki or Rika.)
* During Rika, Konno, Yaguchi and Yossi's first rehearsal for their Elder concert, Yaguchi was complaining she was out of breath most of the time.
* Yossi: "I noticed how magazines nowadays come with fantastic gifts. Recently Rika-chan bought one magazine that gave an orange panty as gift. Rika-chan later gave the 'sugesuge' panty to Keichan and she asked why she would always get panties as gifts...
(I wonder if the panty talk or the mere mention of 'Rika-chan' excites me more.)
The ever-efficient japanese fans quickly found some relating info>>
Friday, December 14, 2007
Yumereji 2007-09-18
Question: 'Tsunku's words that had left the most impression in you.' Yossi said Tsunku had advised her not to wear platform shoes. Those shoes were the craze back then and had soles as high as 12cm which made her tower over Tsunku when they were in the recording studio. For Rika, Tsunku had told her recently that she was a good student (disciple). She mentioned she often emails Tsunku for advice, and it's her idea to turn blonde for her bunny-girl image in 'Aisu to purin'.
I skip Konno's parts because I aren't interested in her stuffs. Anyway they also talked about some random stuffs, like...
* Tsunku choreographed the dance for 'sexy boy soyokaze ni yorisotte'. (ue~ ue~)
* Shokotan became very impressed when Yossi said she only uses normal ringing tone (no frills).
* Konno said Rika is 'KY' and definitely not 'Y'asuda 'K'ei like Yossi had said.
* Rika is into Akina Nakamori now. Before she would only listen to songs by H!P members but recently she realized Akina's songs are really good. However she couldn't remember the lyrics to her newer songs. Her current ring tone is 'Desire'. Yossi said Rika would let her phone ring when someone called so that she could hear the melody but Yossi thinks it is very rude to let the caller wait. Check video.
Although Yossi seldom talks much about other members, she seems to know alot about Rika whenever she is talking about her. Example she knows Rika is close to h!p kids. When Rika says Akina's songs are nice she agrees and says songs Akina sang in her early twenties are really good. She sings 'masaka saa~' together when Rika sings out her ring tone, implying she must have heard it many times. She keeps making fun at Rika saying the latter is similar to Yasuda Kei, maybe they shared a joke between them (remember the two of them had recently gone to Kei's place?) So much interaction from both of them. One is ultra cool, while the other is uber cute. I so love them~
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Gatten Gatas 2007-12-10
Now, did you realize how Rika was often tagged 'ossan' by h!p members? And she has showed 'uncle'ly' traits herself, like what Ayaya had accused her of (in a H!M episode) and how she called herself a Berry Cute otaku (Ongaku Gatas on Yumereji 2007-09-18), so beneath all her womanly image, she is probably just an old uncle in disguise. Besides, she looks the type with an on and off-screen character. I know many fans don't like Rika for what she was portrayed on tv; her uptightness, properness and, sometimes, 'scolding' personality, like her constant preaching of fellow v-u-den members don't really go down well with some h!p fans. But I digress, feeling that she might be a different person off screen; I deduce that from how Yossi and Maichin are constantly making fun of her, therefore, she must be someone who can take jokes. (If you have woman friends who get irascible over the slightest things, you'll know what I'm talking about here.)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
憧れてる人 VS ポジティブシンキング
Rika: Yossi is usually very cool and strong. She's a total opposite of me which is why I admire her so much. Ne~ Yocchan don't you have anything similar to say about me too? Like things that would praise me.
Yossi: I knew that was coming! Eh~ I think Rika-chan's positive thinking is really nice.
Rika: She's being shy, we're always like this.
(special thanks to Stephy who helped with the translation.)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Titbit 2007-12-06
He says 'Yossi's really a good kid.'
And he is not the first one to say it, Sanma had too.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Ishiyoshi festival

Here the clip~. (Download to witness Yossi's 2 seconds heart-stopping look at Rika.)

After I had seen this screencap, I was thinking of 'Beauty and her entourage of 'Be?sts'