Screencaps of FNS music festival, the show which is still going on as I posted these pics
so can you spot them?
Here they are...
I can't be any happier to see them sitting next to each other. \^_^/

Here the clip~. (Download to witness Yossi's 2 seconds heart-stopping look at Rika.)

(seatings after their performance.)
After I had seen this screencap, I was thinking of 'Beauty and her entourage of 'Be?sts'
So rabu-rabu-ish. :) They almost look like they're sharing the chair.
<3<3<3 they sit next to each other. i'm so happy to see that. in fact yeah, i'm happy every time i see them sit or stand next to each other. i wonder if they choose their seat on their own or it has already been set. and i wonder where Mai is sitting. and i wonder if Miki attend the event.
I gotta agree. I can't be any less happier to see them always like this; as long as they're beside eachother, it's all good. XD
Think they are allocated to a table but they can sit wherever they like. After their performance, their seatings changed and they sat opposite each other. Mai and Miki did not attend. Seriously speaking, I think Miki's out of the H!P world. Her only known schedule (work) will be next year Gata's 2nd Hawaii tour and there are even fine prints stating 'Participant list may change.' That's how bad things for her are. Not that she mind though, she might be happily playing with her Wii-Fit. ^^
Oh by the way, did MoMusu attend this too?? Cause either I'm seeing things or I see Reina, and Gaki-san? and a few others on the other side of the first 2 pics...???
LOL wow I'm slow... I just saw Berryz too. XD // I noticed Miyabi in the 2nd pic when she turned her head around and I was like "Whoa! BERRYZ!!!" XDD --- But enough about that! Back to the ISHIYOSHI~ <3 <3 XD!-Project---FNS-Kayousai-(071205)-Medley
This is what you were watching right? Well, I mean the whole thing, probably. This was just the performance bit with Morning Musume, Ex. Morning Musume, and Berryz K as dancers.
Of course now, I'm watching Yossie and Rika. I'm not sure if the choreographers put them together intentionally or.. haha. There's plenty of moments where they are standing together or dancing together.
Oh, and when they sing the line "all together now".. though you don't see them you can tell that Rika and Yossie were standing next together in that line-up. :)
seating before the performance: Yuko sits at different table ( and quite far from each other)
after performance: the elder Musume ;all together now (wouwoo wouwoo love revolution yea yea yea yea yea yeayea yea)
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