Actually a few months back, Mari had disclosed in her radio show that they had gone drinking after this concert ( ↑ ). Mari said 'they' included Kei, Mari, Rika and~~ Yossi~. She then asked if listeners were surprised to hear that Yossi had gone with them? And all credits should go to Rika for she was the one who had successfully asked Yossi to join them. Mari was truly surprised since Yossi has a repu for being the most private person she knew in h!p.
Mari said Rika had suggested they go for a drink after the concert, and so she had asked Yasuda to join them. Yasuda readily agreed and even suggested to ask Yossi along though Mari found it tough since Yossi was a private person. Therefore she was shocked when she learnt that Rika had managed to convince Yossi to join them. Their session lasted 7-8 hours, during which they talked alot; about work and private matters. Mari said it was a very nice experience as it was the first time she had gone drinking with her kouhai (juniors), both of whom had since turned 22, and well past the legal age to drink in Japan. She looked forward to more of such occasions.
It surprised me too when I heard that Yossi had joined them. I thought she would be hanging out with Maichin and Ayaka instead, since they were together for the concert. Maybe they're together so often, she needed a break from them. Nevertheless, we all know the real reason why. It has to do with this person who cajoled her.
Rika's performance on... The Peace..?.. (the one before Mr. Moonlight) was excellent. Rika sure is a total performer
"Shouldn't she be hanging out with Maichin and Ayaka? Maybe they're together so often, she needed a break. Haha."
- It doesn't mean they have to be together all the time just cuz their best friends..
And I wonder how Rika persuaded Yossi to join em for drinks........ :)
"Rika's performance on... The Peace..?.. (the one before Mr. Moonlight) was excellent. Rika sure is a total performer"
-I liked her perf during V-u-den's Ai~suite room~, she did lots of cute ad libs. kawaii katta!
And I wonder how Rika persuaded Yossi to join em for drinks........ :)
It's easy. Yossi always has a soft spot for Rika. Either she admits it or not. XD
'I liked her perf during V-u-den's Ai~suite room~, she did lots of cute ad libs. kawaii katta!'
Yeah? Must watch it then, when there's enough time =)
'...It's easy. Yossi always has a soft spot for Rika. Either she admits it or not. XD'
I noticed that too... well they both are from 4th gen :P so yeah XDD
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