Friday, November 23, 2007

There is something (25) ~family~

ちょっと父ちゃん語ってもいい?   Can dad say something? 

ちょっとね父ちゃん、言いたいことがあるの。   Dad has something to say. 

あのね、昨日ね、うちのおばあちゃんが見に来てたの。  Yesterday, my house's obachan came to watch  

でね、今朝、ファックスが来て読んだら、  And she sent a fax this morning  

「ひとみちゃん、昨日は感動したよ」    "Hitomichan, I felt touched by yesterday's

最近ほら、季節の変わり目でしょ。    the weather has changed recently

だからね、ちょっとね、こう足腰きてるみたいで、ちょっと調子悪かったんだって。     and my legs and back are hurting again

でも、このモーニング娘。のステージと、みんなのこの会場を見てすごい元気が出て、   but after I watched Morning Musume perform on stage, I felt revitalized.

「明日からまたダイエット頑張るわ!」    And tomorrow I'll work hard on my diet again."

それを朝見て、よっしゃ、今日も行ってきますって来たわけ。    After I had read this, I was like 'Yossha~ Let's go for it today too!'

で、最後こうやって本当にみんなと最高のステージができて、  We managed to put on our best for this last stage, didn't we? 

最高の卒業式をやってあげられることができて、本当、大満足してるよ。 I'm happy and satisfied to be part of the best graduation ceremony.

Touching, though there is another gist.


I guess Rika must be someone special....


Anonymous said...

I was a bit confused by the ending in your post. Did Rika go to Yossi's grandmother's house? that's really sweet if she did

steph said...

^ Nope... what Kata meant was that Rika must be someone special for Yossi's grandmother to take the trouble to go all the way just to watch their concert. And during Rika's graduation concert tour nevertheless.

Eh... right Kata?

Anonymous said...

Thanx for translating that... been looking for the tranlation and BAM now I have them! Ishiyoshi all the way.... even after Yomako and Yomiki... Ishiyoshi still stands strong! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

@poets; You're welcome.

@younglink107; Yep, Steph explained it. To me this out-of-the-blue speech by Yossi is really significant. It touches me in a way I don't know to put it in words.

Anyway. I thought the 'obachan' here meant Yossi's mother, not grandmother. No doubt 'obachan' in the Japanese language means 'grandmother' but since Yossi starts her speech by refering herself as 'otochan' which means Rika is 'kasan' so... Yossi's mother in this case should be called 'obachan' right? I always thought this way until I read younglink107's comment and my mind went "erhh...". Well, younglink107 could be right too. Now I'm confused. Haha ^^