Friday, December 21, 2007

CDS 無事に終わりました~

Yossi & Rika's CDS with Sharan Q just ended.
As expected, there is no ishiyoshi lovexlove. A little surprise though that Abe is the secret special guest, but not everyone is happy; especially fans who bought tickets just to see ishiyoshi. The reason is simple because Abe's sudden inclusion takes away Yossi & Rika solo time.
There will be another show on the 23rd. Any guesses for whom will be the special guest?


steph said...


Well I'll bet if the special guest was Kei-chan or maybe even Yaguchi, the fans wouldn't be so upset considering these two would most likely help produce a decent amount of IshiYoshi netas'...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was a secret guest.I read a couple of Sharan Q fansites and they just wanted Sharan Q, not H!P people too. And now the ishiyoshi fans are upset about Nacchi.XD No one is I think those fans that are too passionate need to tone down, enjoy the moment instead of being against the people who you aren't a fan of. I do kinda understand about Nacchi because she's more of a diva personality so there won't be that good chemistry.

Hmm...for the sadistic side of me, I want she can bring back the scary memories of her leader days.mwahaha
Seriously though, I think many people respect her so both types of fans might be more ok and I think she's very good in the art of communication, in that you pay attention to her but she also brings the spotlight to others in a seamless way.