Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Da Di Du De Do Da Di

Many of you may have seen this thing going around depicting Yossi singing 'Da Di Du De Do Da Di'. Someone said it's a parody. Quite but more interesting. First you need to understand what she was singing to know why she did certain poses later. Here we go...

① After singing あの子はつまらな~い which means 'That girl is uninteresting~'
② Yossi did the 'HAPPI' pose (that made the audience laugh out so loud.)

③ then she quickly put a finger to her mouth telling the audience to keep it to themselves.

④ メールを送れって~も返りが~~
'Even when I sent an email there's ~~~'
⑤ ない! 'NO REPLY'
and Yossi did a usa-chan pose.

Because it's true that someone has been ignoring her 'prince-charming' (source: radio show)

As for 'That girl is uninteresting~'

Yah right... ^^

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