Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There is something (08) Utadoki 2007-09-24

A picture tells a million words~

and I'm sure she's looking at Rika when she is singing

Let me bathe in bliss.


steph said...

I could just stare at that picture forever... and still feel all tingly inside.. Ahh the saikou-ness of IshiYoshi~

Tutu said...

Hey, yay~~ I can view this blog again! Thank you :D You always got something interesting here mehehe. And I've started to like IshiYoshi more and more lately. They were so CUTE on this UtaDoki! <3 Keep up the good work~

katatsumuri said...

I guess my ideas come when I see ishiyoshi raburabu~
They should just be together, for the sake of their fans :)