i replay that clip again and again to observe how Rika is nodding at Yossy's statement. i don't understand what Yossy is saying but i could hear the word pouch and pink. and the way Rika 's nodding saying, yeah that pouch i knew so well... lol
but it is really surprising. pink pouch? with ribbon? didn't go really well with black leather jacket eh. makes me wonder if she bought that herself. because my style is almost like Yossy's, rugged jeans and all (repeat, almost. and sadly i can't afford leather jacket)and i know i won't buy that kind of pouch myself. but i would use it if it's a gift. (i'm using gray frilly pouch that my sister bought for me)
to Kata, thanks for cutting that clip. i've watched the full version but i didn't really pay attention to everything because i don't understand Japanese.
The revelation of the pink pouch shocked the hosts too. haha. One of the guy went 'Why??' and I think Yossi got embarrassed over their hoo-ha so she quickly explained that the pouch is big enough to put in all her make-up stuffs and she actually likes it. (Yeah~ nevermind the color, as long as it serves the purpose, that's must be what she's thinking.) Anyway, viewers should take note of one of the female's comment. After Yossi's comment, she said 'chotto anshin shita' which means 'I felt relieved.' Haha, it's funny. I think Yossi's rocker attire shocked her. And the pink pouch showed Yossi still has her kawaii side.
Other useful info for stalker-like Yossi fans. (I'm one!) **She uses a LV wallet (long). **She wears a crystal (swarovski???) bracelet on her right arm. Crytsal accessories like these are kinda in craze in Japan right now. **Her headphone is EXPENSIVE stuff!! costing around 20,000 yen check it out >> http://www.amazon.co.jp/BOSE-TriPort-TP1SB/dp/B000BW3WW0/
And since Haruchan mentioned she doesn't understand much which was said in Yumereji...
I do a brief summary when I come back from work. ^^ getting late.
Kata-sama: Ooh, Bose headphones! And it's the big kinds too. Hm, that does seem like a Yossy thing to wear. She must be an audiophile if she likes Bose (I have some too!).. probably plays her music loud. XD
japanime1: Dude, I just saw that performance before you posted it on here.. I thought it was all kinds of AWESOME! These stages for these kind of events must be so amazing, all those flashing lights and the big balloon balls flying everywhere~ Truly, I'd like to go to one of these things someday.
I was reading another blog and it was saying that just before their performance, they had a demographics chart of who listens to Morning Musume. The poll shows wota (of course) AND teenage girls. This might be just rehash of what that blog said, but they made an important point that the audience in that particular performance was predominantly girls.
Seeing a lot of the OG and the new members together makes me happy! I wish they sung 'The Peace' though (more Rika please!).
@ni. Hehe I wish they would've sung "The Peace!" too AND "Mr.Moonlight" (More Yossy too please!) XD -- I was surprised to see so many girl fans. (^^)b
@Kata. Yossy!BOSE!! My friend has a piar of Bose headphones & I love them. Like my music loud. XD (though I am more careful now, just in case i go deaf or s/t). (X_X)
Who will be the next hit by a scandal (caught dating a guy)
Is your left hand's fourth finger longer than index finger?
According to a study, 80% of gay people (surveyed) have their fourth finger longer than their index finger. So, chances are eight out of ten who had voted 'yes' are .... Haha~ The poll is for fun. Don't take it seriously. >_<
Just curious... how many fans of Ishiyoshi are gay?
Despite its hilarity, despite your complains, you still love KillMeKissMe PV to bits, right? Yes? NO?
The latest poll was terminated early because it is now known that they might perform in 'MySpace's 2nd year anniversary'.
Now we are sure there will be a PV, do you think they'll appear on TV shows or perform 'live' ?
Do you think there will be any PV coming from Hangry & Angry (mini-album) ?
Seriously, you have been listening to 'Kill Me Kiss Me'
Do you think Ishiyoshi WOTAS are disgusting? I mean those self-proclaimed, hard-core ones... where everything happening in this world has got to do with 1444
In your eyes, who is prettier?
Who do you think will be the dominant one in the relationship if they are dating (each other)?
Who do you think will get married first?
Do you think Rika & Yossi really kissed in that PV?
I thought the same thing when I saw the bag! It definitely was a Rika touch...wonder how Yossui ended up with a bag like that...
i replay that clip again and again to observe how Rika is nodding at Yossy's statement. i don't understand what Yossy is saying but i could hear the word pouch and pink. and the way Rika 's nodding saying, yeah that pouch i knew so well... lol
but it is really surprising. pink pouch? with ribbon? didn't go really well with black leather jacket eh. makes me wonder if she bought that herself. because my style is almost like Yossy's, rugged jeans and all (repeat, almost. and sadly i can't afford leather jacket)and i know i won't buy that kind of pouch myself. but i would use it if it's a gift. (i'm using gray frilly pouch that my sister bought for me)
to Kata, thanks for cutting that clip. i've watched the full version but i didn't really pay attention to everything because i don't understand Japanese.
LOL I watched that before. Now I understand. XD Though, Yossy DID say she liked pink. (^^)
The revelation of the pink pouch shocked the hosts too. haha. One of the guy went 'Why??' and I think Yossi got embarrassed over their hoo-ha so she quickly explained that the pouch is big enough to put in all her make-up stuffs and she actually likes it. (Yeah~ nevermind the color, as long as it serves the purpose, that's must be what she's thinking.) Anyway, viewers should take note of one of the female's comment. After Yossi's comment, she said 'chotto anshin shita' which means 'I felt relieved.' Haha, it's funny. I think Yossi's rocker attire shocked her. And the pink pouch showed Yossi still has her kawaii side.
Other useful info for stalker-like Yossi fans. (I'm one!)
**She uses a LV wallet (long).
**She wears a crystal (swarovski???) bracelet on her right arm. Crytsal accessories like these are kinda in craze in Japan right now.
**Her headphone is EXPENSIVE stuff!! costing around 20,000 yen
check it out >> http://www.amazon.co.jp/BOSE-TriPort-TP1SB/dp/B000BW3WW0/
And since Haruchan mentioned she doesn't understand much which was said in Yumereji...
I do a brief summary when I come back from work. ^^ getting late.
btw, TOTALLY UN-RELATED to this topic, but has anyone watched this yet?? I thought the whole thing was an awesome performance.<3Yossy~<3
via VEOH:
Kata-sama: Ooh, Bose headphones! And it's the big kinds too. Hm, that does seem like a Yossy thing to wear. She must be an audiophile if she likes Bose (I have some too!).. probably plays her music loud. XD
japanime1: Dude, I just saw that performance before you posted it on here.. I thought it was all kinds of AWESOME! These stages for these kind of events must be so amazing, all those flashing lights and the big balloon balls flying everywhere~ Truly, I'd like to go to one of these things someday.
I was reading another blog and it was saying that just before their performance, they had a demographics chart of who listens to Morning Musume. The poll shows wota (of course) AND teenage girls. This might be just rehash of what that blog said, but they made an important point that the audience in that particular performance was predominantly girls.
Seeing a lot of the OG and the new members together makes me happy! I wish they sung 'The Peace' though (more Rika please!).
@ni. Hehe I wish they would've sung "The Peace!" too AND "Mr.Moonlight" (More Yossy too please!) XD -- I was surprised to see so many girl fans. (^^)b
@Kata. Yossy!BOSE!! My friend has a piar of Bose headphones & I love them. Like my music loud. XD (though I am more careful now, just in case i go deaf or s/t). (X_X)
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