Found another interesting post in Chinese. Thanks to loveyossy who cut paste this in h!o Yossi's thread. It's quite a funny post. The problem seems to arise from an upfront official polaroid of Yossi, Koharu and someone else, who sorry-I-don't-remember-and-don't-bother-checking, and the debate is on their height. Let me translate it for the benefit of those who don't read Chinese.
我操,你們這群美國佬真是要把我氣死了。我要非常清楚而且鄭重的告訴你們,吉澤瞳的身高是165cm!!!!這在早安家族03,04,06年的運動會的身高表上都表示的非常清楚,不信你們自己去拿尺子量!!!!!而且就這張圖而言,吉澤瞳看起來還是要比小春高的,雖然只高一點點,因爲小春也基本是165cm 了。
告訴你們一個事實吧,去年在早安來上海開演唱會之前,純純和琳琳曾先一步回國做宣傳,在接受網上聊天採訪時,純純親口說自己只有166cm, 之後早安去韓國開演唱會的時候,視頻資料裏純純的身高也寫的是166cm。因爲這個很多人都認爲純純的身高是166cm。可事實上呢,純純至少是 168cm,準確來説是169cm,因爲她自己說到了日本之後又長高了1cm。
Note: I did not write this, merely translate it. The vulgarities are from the original writer, not me. >_<
Fuck! You Am_ericans are driving me to my grave. Let me tell you clearly and seriously that Yossi's height is 165cm!!!! This was clearly stated in the stats of H!P sports festival held in year 02,03,06. If you don't believe me, get a ruler to measure it yourself. And even in the picture per se, you could still see that Yossi is taller than Koharu, though only slightly taller, because Koharu herself is 165cm.
Let me tell you a FACT: when MM went to Shanghai last year, Junjun and Linlin had arrived earlier, and during a net interview Junjun had said that she is 166cm tall. When MM went to Korea later, official stats, too, put Junjun's height at 166cm. Because of that, many people believe that Junjun is 166cm tall. The truth? She is at least 168cm tall. Frankly speaking, it should be 169cm now since she said she has grown another 1cm after arriving in Japan.
So, do not believe that it is true even if the girls said so themselves. Everybody can lie, especially celebrities!!!! Besides, Yossi doesn't want people to know that she is 165cm tall, so that idle people won't be messing around with her, moreover, Ai is her disciple. Music Fighter is a pre-recorded tv show, and you never knew what was edited away, like things they don't want people to know. On top of that, the height chart in H!P sports festival was done so elusively that not many people will understand it, except me, of course, who has great analytical skills. So, even if the
TRUTH is out there, no one will ever notice it. As I had said earlier: in Japan it means SOMETHING if girls are taller than 165cm, and that is something you Europe_ans will never understand!!!!
Please, if you are free, go read up those jap forums with threads scolding Yossi. The words are so vicious and inimical that I almost want to cry when I read them. Those rumors and gossips are really too much. Like any girl who is in her early twenties, she wants to look pretty, not getting scold at.
WHITE BEAR! Even tags like these are considered mild. At those name-calling times, do people actually remember Tsun_ku had once called her
tensai dekini kawaii? To be frank, Yossi should be considered the first among 4th Gen the company groomed. To think she is now so hated and scolded; one even said 'Quick get rid of that leader!' How would Yossi feel?
And there is one Junjun, who traveled alone, all the way from China to Japan, to a country where she has language barriers, to pursue her dream. But before she can fulfill her dreams, she hear, with whatever little understanding of the Japanese language she has, unkind words like
ham and
banana... Naturally, she would wonder how she had become the target of such nasty criticisms. It won't take her long to realize it was because of her size, which is considered an anomaly in a group where all the girls look small. That is the reason why the girls want to become 'small' in peoples' eyes, even if it means just a little smaller. Why can't you accept a girl's little wishful thinking? If you ask, why is it that Koharu can be so frank about her height. I say it's because that girl has never been harshly criticised before. Since the day she joined, the company has set its mind to groom the miracle girl; she will never understand the plight of others.
Hereby, I beg you people to think with that
big brain of yours or I would have to call you STUPID!
My thoughts:
I won't judge the writer because everyone has their right of speech, although I would say the article is very interesting (not that I agree with him/her).