I have never seen an Ishiyoshi article in Japanese lest expect one in another language, so you can picture my surprise when I saw this posted in a jap forum. The article is from China although I have no idea if it's from a newspaper or a magazine or a newsletter. I was, nevertheless, intrigued.
The writer is no doubt an Ishiyoshi wota. He or she brought up some interesting points, some so in-depth that I thought only a die-hard wota would know, and for a moment I even had this strange notion that the writer actually visited this place. I may be wrong though I remember a China I.P had made over hundred hits in a single day on this blog a few weeks ago. That is because this place seldom have so many visitors, so I remember it clearly.
I wanted to do a translation for people who can't read Chinese, but I realize my translation skills is lousy and the fact that my Chinese isn't really that good. Fret not though as there is nothing new in the article as everything mentioned can be found in this blog too, except for one where it says Rika was caught adjusting Yossi's clothes when they were watching a baseball match, which I have no idea when that happened so I would appreciate if anyone could enlighten me. Other than that, I really appreciate the article though I just thought they could use better pictures. >_<
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