They were in a radio show today.
Suppin Rika looks better ~ ~ ~ >_<
Q: What do you do on your day-off?
R-san: I'll stay at home
Y-san: I'll go to my relative's place in Chiba (overnight stay)
Host: Aren't you bold? Nobody will believe that a 24-year old will still go and stay at a relative's place. (Hinting it's actually her boyfriend's place.)
Dunno... sometimes I wonder if the girls say things intentionally or unintentionally, but either way, even if they were telling the truth, their fans are gonna get hurt.
Basically, they were there to promote their new musical. After the hosts said they looked the same like the girls in hAngry & Angry, they said yes, they apparently looked like them (>_<), and only last week they had gone to America to attend an event. Hosts said that was great; they said it WAS great. Even though the event was in Seattle, they have fans coming from - as far as - New York. Some fans even had pink streaks in their hair like hAngry. They are very happy to have met the fans.
Rika's role in the musical is an OL and a shopaholic while Yossi said many people who had read the manga ended up asking her how she's going to portray her role, because it is very different from her real life persona. Host asked why was that so, and Yossi said that was because her character was one whose life was entangled with men, lots of different men. Rika then mentioned she has a hard time remembering her dialogues and how someone had told her it would help if she tried to remember while soaking in a bathtub, (this is where I'm not so sure --> ) but Rika said she had no impatience for that; she couldn't stay long in the bathroom. Yossi then said she often takes long baths, like thirty to forty minutes, sometimes to an hour. The hosts asked what would Yossi do while taking her bath and Yossi said she would watch DVDs or play with her cell phone; Rika said she herself would doze off. And the girls said they (now) 'sleep early and wake up early'. Rika will start getting sleepy around 10pm - 11pm and Yossi said she will even doze off (at around 11pm) while watching a DVD movie. Host asked what DVDs Yossi watched and Yossi gave those same answers: 24 and Prison Break.
During their day-off, Rika will be at home slacking, watching TV, doing this and that, and, sometimes, going out for a walk. Hosts asked if she liked shopping. Rika said she finds shopping too troublesome. There are times when she feels like buying something she will just ponder long over it. She will wonder whether or not she really needs it and most of the time she ends up putting the item back. Yossi said she will go to her relative's place at Chiba and she loves to be there because they have a bathtub that's like an onsen, which she will soak in for hours ( <--- again, not very sure )
Question and Answer time: When young, Yossi's idol was Cinderella and Rika's was Morning Musume. Yossi thought the Cinderella (in the parade) had very white skin and looked absolutely beautiful. Hosts asked if Yossi wanted to be like Cinderella and Yossi thought that would never be possible. (And this is my favourite part from the whole show because you'll hear Rika sniggering at Yossi. KAWAII~)
Yossi had thought of quitting showbiz (during her MM days) because she realized things just weren't the way she thought they would be and would think 'let's just put a stop to this', but other things and the fun of doing concerts kept her back. Instead of wanting to quit, Rika just tells herself to work harder and harder.
For changes they hope to see in each other, Yossi said Rika's too 'readable' and her facial expression simply says it all. For example, was it 'sunny' or 'cloudy' today. When hosts asked 'How's today?' Yossi said: 'Today's fine'. Citing other examples too, Yossi would know right away if Rika was sleepy or hungry. Hosts asked how, and Yossi said she could just see from the way Rika's lips move or the latter's facial expressions and went on to do some impersonations (which we cannot see or hear). Rika said that's also when she would stop talking, since normally she would be talking non-stop. Host: 'You don't know why?' Rika: "I don't. I would just babble on and on and on until I became quiet." Yossi said Rika's just like a kid. Rika hopes Yossi will change the way she talks, which Yossi retorted: 'Yeah... this...' Rika said that despite being someone pretty, Yossi talks just like an old uncle. Yossi admitted that since she's already 24 years old she shouldn't be talking that way anymore. Sometimes she gets onto her parents' nerves by saying 'ume~' or 'yabe' when eating and they would tell her to say it properly as in 'oishii'. She said she has managed to change it, but there are also times when it just comes out naturally~.
When asked what would perk them up, Yossi said she's the technie type. She likes gadgets such as keitai, audio; headphones, and computers. Rika said Yossi is really good with them. (not sure ---> ) There was once when she changed her phone and Yossi had learned to use her phone's functions faster than her. Rika said food perks her up, especially drinks like 'lemon tea' and 'coffee'.
Both girls feel that 'Happy Summer Wedding' is the song that changed their lives.
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