For the sake of good health, Yossi prefers electric fan over air-con... and so coincidentally, Rika, at her event on the 12th of July, also said that she would rather use an electric fan to cool herself at night because too much air-con won't do her throat much good (yeah, we mustn't forget she is a singer). Okay, so we see a little connection already. In "Katte ni Melody" segment, Yossi was surprised and yet happy to know that their fans like to tsukkomi Rika too, as quite a number of neta sent in involved Rika.
Gatten Gatas 2008-07-28
There's a Yossi's corner whereby listeners can send in replies they think Yossi will use in normal lives (in response to different situations). So, a listener thinks that if Rika told Yossi the pink shirt she just bought was cute, Yossi would simply say "On the contrary that looks gross (kishoi)."
The studio laughed and before Yossi could reply, Mai-chin added that she didn't think Yossi would even say that at all. Yossi said that was because Rika has good dress sense. Isn't it strange of Yossi to say that? When all along, the girls are always making fun of Rika, calling her and her fashion 'kishoi'. Perhaps Rika really has poor dress sense, just that someone has no the heart to call it bad. ^^
with this pic, Yossi would not think pink is gross.
Gatten Gatas 2008-08-04
Rika said she is into aromatic candles recently and had bought a whole lot back from Hawaii (Gatas Fanclub tour). Guess we all know who has gotten her into this hobby...
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