Friday, August 08, 2008

Yanen 2008-05-12

Kemeko on Yossi & Rika

Kemeko: I recently drank with Yossi and Rika
Atsuko: Un~
Kemeko: Yossi... she's strong
Atsuko: That girl, she's good right?
Kemeko: She can keep on drinking...
Atsuko: Like an old uncle...
Kemeko: She drinks like a man.
Atsuko & Kemeko (together): Shochu rock~

Yossi often drinks on an empty stomach, something that Kemeko and Atsuko can't. According to Kemeko, when Rika is drunk she becomes very noisy. Atsuko couldn't imagine it. To make it more understandable, Kemeko asked Atsuko if she'd seen the cheerful Rika when she was doing her 'Happy' thinggie; so, when Rika is drunk, she just goes into that high-tension mode perpetually. Kemeko thinks Rika is really cute and funny when she does that.

Shouchuu 焼酎 is a Japanese wine. It is not sake and has a relatively high alcohol content at 25%.

IMO, Yossi is quite a strong drinker.

But then again, I hope she'll cut down on her drinking. The signs are beginning to show on her face...

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