Friday, August 08, 2008

my thoughts...

Spending my Christmas at home with lots of time to kill, I took out some DVDs and watched them - Morning Musume in Hawaii Alohello 2 and Gatas Tour in Hawaii. After watching Alohello2 and skipping all parts except Yossi's, I begin to wonder... Will Yossi treat Rika in the same the way she has treated Risa?

Then I imagined myself as a tourist in the temple area who just happened to see two very pretty Japanese girls; one who is boyish in both in her mannerism and gait and the other who is girlish, struggling with her big bag and always rushing to catch up with her pal; or when Yossi was scolding Risa 'baka' as the latter had led them, still wearing shoes, into sacred grounds, I would think they are a couple, and Yossi has a big 'ego.

Now, would Yossi do that to Rika? I can't imagine it because it is so not going to happen. On the contrary, Yossi will be the one help carrying the big bag and with no doubt too, taking photos of Rika. They will hire the taxi, not because Yossi would be lazy of walking but because Rika probably would. Instead of Yossi, Rika would be the one dozing off most of the times...

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