On 21st JUNE, at her STB show, Yoshizawa Hitomi officially said that she loves Ishikawa Rika.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
oricon's blog update!
Fanrec of H&A's 'Love & Peace' (rock version) from their Seattle mini concert.
As this is 'pirated' material, downloaders please have some common sense not to share the link or the file in forums that supposedly have (official) links with UF_A or Japan_files or Sak_con. Yeah, because you know those admins/moderators won't like it.
"Support hAngry & Angry~ Buy originals!!!"
right... >_<
*** ***
Their oricon blog was updated.
They talked about the live crowd, comparing how different American fans are from Japanese fans. Japanese fans synchronized their cheers while Americans tend to 'do their own thing', which they find very interesting and refreshing. Yossi talked about the birthday surprise and kinda praised Rika for it. Rika said she knew that Yossi's birthday would coincide with SakaraCon and was planning to have a birthday party, then she thought 'why not have it during the concert?' But it couldn't be accomplished by herself alone so she had to rope in others to help. Yossi then said Rika was really good at keeping it secret, remembering the only time that Rika could liaise with others, without her knowledge, was when she was away in the toilet.
Fanrec of H&A's 'Love & Peace' (rock version) from their Seattle mini concert.
As this is 'pirated' material, downloaders please have some common sense not to share the link or the file in forums that supposedly have (official) links with UF_A or Japan_files or Sak_con. Yeah, because you know those admins/moderators won't like it.
"Support hAngry & Angry~ Buy originals!!!"
right... >_<
*** ***
Their oricon blog was updated.
They talked about the live crowd, comparing how different American fans are from Japanese fans. Japanese fans synchronized their cheers while Americans tend to 'do their own thing', which they find very interesting and refreshing. Yossi talked about the birthday surprise and kinda praised Rika for it. Rika said she knew that Yossi's birthday would coincide with SakaraCon and was planning to have a birthday party, then she thought 'why not have it during the concert?' But it couldn't be accomplished by herself alone so she had to rope in others to help. Yossi then said Rika was really good at keeping it secret, remembering the only time that Rika could liaise with others, without her knowledge, was when she was away in the toilet.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
R は 買い物=面倒くさい
Y は 買い物=優柔不断
R + Y = ? ? ?
One will think for a long long time NOT to buy something,
the other will think for a long long time just TO buy something.
You think they can shop together?
haha >_<
Y は 買い物=優柔不断
R + Y = ? ? ?
One will think for a long long time NOT to buy something,
the other will think for a long long time just TO buy something.
You think they can shop together?
haha >_<
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Remember this post ?
Thinking back, it seemed to have some truth in it ne? Now that Rika had said she often stays at home during her day-offs and Yossi, in Ni7, had said that she likes to sanpo around her neighborhood.
Thinking back, it seemed to have some truth in it ne? Now that Rika had said she often stays at home during her day-offs and Yossi, in Ni7, had said that she likes to sanpo around her neighborhood.
People were saying yesterday's radio show wasn't recorded 'live' because of Yossi's curly hair and the fact that the girls said they went to Seattle a few days ago; Seattle's event was de facto two weeks ago. All these give the impression that the episode might be recorded one week before. During the show, however, the girls said they had to return to their musical practice after the recording, and in Makoto's blog dated 27th Apr, the latter took a picture with Rika and Rika was, in fact, wearing the same clothes.

These girls are beautiful.
(guess who took the pic?)
These girls are beautiful.
(guess who took the pic?)
Monday, April 27, 2009

They were in a radio show today.
Suppin Rika looks better ~ ~ ~ >_<
Q: What do you do on your day-off?
R-san: I'll stay at home
Y-san: I'll go to my relative's place in Chiba (overnight stay)
Host: Aren't you bold? Nobody will believe that a 24-year old will still go and stay at a relative's place. (Hinting it's actually her boyfriend's place.)
Dunno... sometimes I wonder if the girls say things intentionally or unintentionally, but either way, even if they were telling the truth, their fans are gonna get hurt.
Basically, they were there to promote their new musical. After the hosts said they looked the same like the girls in hAngry & Angry, they said yes, they apparently looked like them (>_<), and only last week they had gone to America to attend an event. Hosts said that was great; they said it WAS great. Even though the event was in Seattle, they have fans coming from - as far as - New York. Some fans even had pink streaks in their hair like hAngry. They are very happy to have met the fans.
Rika's role in the musical is an OL and a shopaholic while Yossi said many people who had read the manga ended up asking her how she's going to portray her role, because it is very different from her real life persona. Host asked why was that so, and Yossi said that was because her character was one whose life was entangled with men, lots of different men. Rika then mentioned she has a hard time remembering her dialogues and how someone had told her it would help if she tried to remember while soaking in a bathtub, (this is where I'm not so sure --> ) but Rika said she had no impatience for that; she couldn't stay long in the bathroom. Yossi then said she often takes long baths, like thirty to forty minutes, sometimes to an hour. The hosts asked what would Yossi do while taking her bath and Yossi said she would watch DVDs or play with her cell phone; Rika said she herself would doze off. And the girls said they (now) 'sleep early and wake up early'. Rika will start getting sleepy around 10pm - 11pm and Yossi said she will even doze off (at around 11pm) while watching a DVD movie. Host asked what DVDs Yossi watched and Yossi gave those same answers: 24 and Prison Break.
During their day-off, Rika will be at home slacking, watching TV, doing this and that, and, sometimes, going out for a walk. Hosts asked if she liked shopping. Rika said she finds shopping too troublesome. There are times when she feels like buying something she will just ponder long over it. She will wonder whether or not she really needs it and most of the time she ends up putting the item back. Yossi said she will go to her relative's place at Chiba and she loves to be there because they have a bathtub that's like an onsen, which she will soak in for hours ( <--- again, not very sure )
Question and Answer time: When young, Yossi's idol was Cinderella and Rika's was Morning Musume. Yossi thought the Cinderella (in the parade) had very white skin and looked absolutely beautiful. Hosts asked if Yossi wanted to be like Cinderella and Yossi thought that would never be possible. (And this is my favourite part from the whole show because you'll hear Rika sniggering at Yossi. KAWAII~)
Yossi had thought of quitting showbiz (during her MM days) because she realized things just weren't the way she thought they would be and would think 'let's just put a stop to this', but other things and the fun of doing concerts kept her back. Instead of wanting to quit, Rika just tells herself to work harder and harder.
For changes they hope to see in each other, Yossi said Rika's too 'readable' and her facial expression simply says it all. For example, was it 'sunny' or 'cloudy' today. When hosts asked 'How's today?' Yossi said: 'Today's fine'. Citing other examples too, Yossi would know right away if Rika was sleepy or hungry. Hosts asked how, and Yossi said she could just see from the way Rika's lips move or the latter's facial expressions and went on to do some impersonations (which we cannot see or hear). Rika said that's also when she would stop talking, since normally she would be talking non-stop. Host: 'You don't know why?' Rika: "I don't. I would just babble on and on and on until I became quiet." Yossi said Rika's just like a kid. Rika hopes Yossi will change the way she talks, which Yossi retorted: 'Yeah... this...' Rika said that despite being someone pretty, Yossi talks just like an old uncle. Yossi admitted that since she's already 24 years old she shouldn't be talking that way anymore. Sometimes she gets onto her parents' nerves by saying 'ume~' or 'yabe' when eating and they would tell her to say it properly as in 'oishii'. She said she has managed to change it, but there are also times when it just comes out naturally~.
When asked what would perk them up, Yossi said she's the technie type. She likes gadgets such as keitai, audio; headphones, and computers. Rika said Yossi is really good with them. (not sure ---> ) There was once when she changed her phone and Yossi had learned to use her phone's functions faster than her. Rika said food perks her up, especially drinks like 'lemon tea' and 'coffee'.
Both girls feel that 'Happy Summer Wedding' is the song that changed their lives.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
off topic...
Something interesting is happening in Jap forum now. Perhaps urged on by the success of overseas fans getting close to the girls @SakuraCon, Japanese 1444 wotas are contemplating getting a gift for them too. The plan is to give them a towel set (similar to the very ex bathrobe Yossi bought during her trip with Yuuko to Hawaii) during their play (Tokyo Alice). To make the gift special, it would be embroidered with wordings. The words decided are 'TokyoAlice RikaIshikawa' & 'TokyoAlice HitomiYoshizawa'. So serious they were about the whole idea that someone even called to find out the cost and time required to do the embroidery, and getting the towel sets. They wanted badly to show their support to the girls, but that was also when they started debating, because some people wanted '14' & '44' or 'いしよし' to appear alongside the girls' names. Others thought that was downright inappropriate as it might cause great embarrassment to the girls, which is my sentiments exactly. Can you imagine the girls being called 1444 in their face? Actually, I was more shocked, because Japanese people are the last on my mind that I would think of to do such imprudent & senseless things.
The finalized wordings:
TokyoAlice Rika Ishikawa ♥ 2009
TokyoAlice Hitomi Yoshizawa ★ 2009
Majority are against having the words '14' '44' or 'いしよし' (phew~) while some are concerned if Makoto will feel left out (now this is what I call Japanese sensitivity).
However, this project won't be any secret to the girls since Yossi is internet savvy. >_<
The finalized wordings:
TokyoAlice Rika Ishikawa ♥ 2009
TokyoAlice Hitomi Yoshizawa ★ 2009
Majority are against having the words '14' '44' or 'いしよし' (phew~) while some are concerned if Makoto will feel left out (now this is what I call Japanese sensitivity).
However, this project won't be any secret to the girls since Yossi is internet savvy. >_<
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Separately, their views on love.

Q: What type of guys you like?
Rika: Tall, kind, one with a big heart.

Q: How about you? (when are you getting married?)
Yossi: Definitely impossible, because I'm too (too) willful.
Host: In what way?
Yossi: I can't really tell, but...
Host: Like he must call and report every now and then?
Yossi: I'm fine with that actually. But, I dislike the type who won't listen to things I say.
Q: What type of guys you like?
Rika: Tall, kind, one with a big heart.
Q: How about you? (when are you getting married?)
Yossi: Definitely impossible, because I'm too (too) willful.
Host: In what way?
Yossi: I can't really tell, but...
Host: Like he must call and report every now and then?
Yossi: I'm fine with that actually. But, I dislike the type who won't listen to things I say.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
myspace blog updated - Episode 2
1:19 / 4:12
A very observant fan brought this up:
The latest comment clip in H&A oricon blog is 1:19 while Episode 1 @myspace is 4:12
Now.... is it a coincidence or plain INGENUITY???

eye-contact, again, and again and and again ~~~~
Question: What did you girls do in Seattle?
Yossi: bla bla bla (live, discussion etc... etc...)
Rika: and, lots of other stuffs.
of course~!~
(*all 1444 fans nodding frenetically*)
This trip sure bodes well for them. >_<
いしよし 万歳!
A very observant fan brought this up:
The latest comment clip in H&A oricon blog is 1:19 while Episode 1 @myspace is 4:12
Now.... is it a coincidence or plain INGENUITY???

eye-contact, again, and again and and again ~~~~
Question: What did you girls do in Seattle?
Yossi: bla bla bla (live, discussion etc... etc...)
Rika: and, lots of other stuffs.
of course~!~
(*all 1444 fans nodding frenetically*)
This trip sure bodes well for them. >_<
いしよし 万歳!
More pics
Thursday, April 16, 2009
16th April 2009

@ closing ceremony. Yossi looked visibly tired, very tired. Both looked like they hadn't put on any make-up, which I think they still look so very pretty! These girls are natural beauties~~

Last 3 pics, I thought their expressions/reactions look almost identical. Rapport?

And the killer!!!
(This must be when they are performing Sadistic Dance.)
Why aren't there more pics of them like these from the concerts?
And of course, lots of gratitude to the girl/dude who took this shot. Keke...
I was wondering, if you people were present at the Q&A, what questions would you ask? Frankly speaking, I felt some had asked some really 'silly' questions and wasted the opportunity. I won't give examples lest I hurt their feelings, though I also understand really private questions would not be translated at all to the girls; the girls didn't even have a clue. You see, the translator really knows her job.
This time only, I will switch on the comment thinggie. I want to know what one proper question and one nastier one you would ask if you had the opportunity. You can post as anonymous if you are shy. Meanwhile I will also ask around and compose a list and come up with our own 1444 Q&A. When everything's done, I will move them to front page and post an entry on it. You might wanna try and post some questions because, you never know... >_<
Example of a proper question: Do you girls own a dog, or any pets?
A naughtier one: Do you actually smoke?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Another poll, just because I'm too free. >_<
There are guesses that Yossi actually knew of the 'surprise' birthday stuff, because people, who happened to be outside the concert venue, heard them rehearsing it. So, what do you guys think? Do you believe that everything was rehearsed? And we all knew how 'trained' the girls were at keeping a straight face - a criteria needed to survive in showbiz. Remember that they had 'pretended' not to know when their next single will be released during Q&A when it was later announced that their new single is scheduled for this fall.
Feel free to vote your gut feeling. As anonymity is widely practised in this blog, no worries about getting 'flamed' even if you think our dear Yossi was a great actress. Haha~ >_<
Need some pointers?
* Some heard them rehearsing the birthday song.
* No one actually saw if the girls were present (for the rehearsal), maybe it's only the band members.
* In a fan rec vid, it's visible that Yossi was looking at Rika all the time, like 'why wasn't I told?'
* Rika told the crowd 'we kept it from Yossi'.
* Well, some people heard them rehearsing it PERIOD
I would like to thank all the people for their fabulous reports/journals, making me feel as if I were there too. It's great to know you people enjoyed fully the three days there. It HAS to be FREAKING AWESOME to see the girls in person, 'live', and so up close and personal. If I were there, I might make news for being the first to faint. I really would. See... being star-struck will trigger some very serious cardiac arrest in me. I would be pathetically dumb-struck, too, not knowing what to say to them, because just reading reports about Yossi with her really huge eyes and Rika with her sweet demeanour are already enough to send my heart racing.
Guys, once again, thank you so much!!!
You great people made me so f?ucking love them more now >_<
There are guesses that Yossi actually knew of the 'surprise' birthday stuff, because people, who happened to be outside the concert venue, heard them rehearsing it. So, what do you guys think? Do you believe that everything was rehearsed? And we all knew how 'trained' the girls were at keeping a straight face - a criteria needed to survive in showbiz. Remember that they had 'pretended' not to know when their next single will be released during Q&A when it was later announced that their new single is scheduled for this fall.
Feel free to vote your gut feeling. As anonymity is widely practised in this blog, no worries about getting 'flamed' even if you think our dear Yossi was a great actress. Haha~ >_<
Need some pointers?
* Some heard them rehearsing the birthday song.
* No one actually saw if the girls were present (for the rehearsal), maybe it's only the band members.
* In a fan rec vid, it's visible that Yossi was looking at Rika all the time, like 'why wasn't I told?'
* Rika told the crowd 'we kept it from Yossi'.
* Well, some people heard them rehearsing it PERIOD
I would like to thank all the people for their fabulous reports/journals, making me feel as if I were there too. It's great to know you people enjoyed fully the three days there. It HAS to be FREAKING AWESOME to see the girls in person, 'live', and so up close and personal. If I were there, I might make news for being the first to faint. I really would. See... being star-struck will trigger some very serious cardiac arrest in me. I would be pathetically dumb-struck, too, not knowing what to say to them, because just reading reports about Yossi with her really huge eyes and Rika with her sweet demeanour are already enough to send my heart racing.
Guys, once again, thank you so much!!!
You great people made me so f?ucking love them more now >_<
Monday, April 13, 2009
my thoughts...
Reading the many reports from people who attended the convention, it came as a surprise when majority said that Rika is actually MUCH better in person. (Why would they even think Rika is bad in the first place?)
With so much Rika-hating going around in the internet, one of the main reasons just because Rika happens to be really close to Yossi, it is a great relief to hear people starting to appreciate Charmy.
"She has such a cute voice"
"She looks sweeter in person"
"She is so cute, always smiling"
"She is so funny with her answers"
"I don't really like her, but I might change now"
Which is why I always believe, firmly, that our Yossi has great taste.
For those who have been spending their precious time bad-mouthing Rika on a regular basis, it is time to assimilate that fact. Jealousy has made you blind, time to wake up!
With so much Rika-hating going around in the internet, one of the main reasons just because Rika happens to be really close to Yossi, it is a great relief to hear people starting to appreciate Charmy.
"She has such a cute voice"
"She looks sweeter in person"
"She is so cute, always smiling"
"She is so funny with her answers"
"I don't really like her, but I might change now"
Which is why I always believe, firmly, that our Yossi has great taste.
For those who have been spending their precious time bad-mouthing Rika on a regular basis, it is time to assimilate that fact. Jealousy has made you blind, time to wake up!
Sadistic Dance 朝まで踊る Wow Dance II
If you guys are wondering why the girls are touching each other when performing the new song, it is because the lyrics said so. The song talks of one seducing the other into a slow dance which becomes a sadistic kind of one.
Fingers swimming around the waist, teasing. A slow dance all through the night; a sadistic dance~ With my dried tear lingering... my eyes on you. This is my bait. Lighting a cigarette in my slender finger, breathing insouciantly. This is my bait, this is my bait. I will get you. This is my bait. Let's sing through night, and when our lips meet. You can't escape from me.
It is obviously about a girl flirting with a guy, I'm just surprised that it turned out to be hAngry touching Angry instead.
Neat~ so neat! >_<
Fingers swimming around the waist, teasing. A slow dance all through the night; a sadistic dance~ With my dried tear lingering... my eyes on you. This is my bait. Lighting a cigarette in my slender finger, breathing insouciantly. This is my bait, this is my bait. I will get you. This is my bait. Let's sing through night, and when our lips meet. You can't escape from me.
It is obviously about a girl flirting with a guy, I'm just surprised that it turned out to be hAngry touching Angry instead.
Neat~ so neat! >_<
Sadistic Dance 朝まで踊る Wow Dance
Apparently, wotas have deciphered the song.
(tell me what they are incapable of doing? keke...)
指先を君の腰に泳がせていく スローダンス
次の朝まで 僕たちは踊る
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 朝まで踊る Wow Dance
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 視線集めて
乾いた涙浮かべる僕 Wow This is my bait
触れてみた 君の心臓 君を確かめたくて
This is my bait This is my bait This is my bait 君を盗んで This is my bait
This is my bait This is my bait 歌い続けて
唇重ねた後は このまま
また君は笑う 悪魔のように Ah
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 朝まで踊る Wow Dance
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 視線集めて
Wow This is my bait
when Japanese think that word is 'bait', even when it sounded so different, it is bait then.
Previous lesson learned from KMKM: Japanese have their own ways with English.
When you break down bait it becomes ba-i-to (バイト) in Japanese. Try to pronounce that in Japanese and you'll know why wotas think that word is bait. Anyway it does make sense in the lyrics. >_<>
I think this song really put their vocals to good use. I especially like the falsetto parts (in the beginning & middle).
(tell me what they are incapable of doing? keke...)
指先を君の腰に泳がせていく スローダンス
次の朝まで 僕たちは踊る
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 朝まで踊る Wow Dance
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 視線集めて
乾いた涙浮かべる僕 Wow This is my bait
触れてみた 君の心臓 君を確かめたくて
This is my bait This is my bait This is my bait 君を盗んで This is my bait
This is my bait This is my bait 歌い続けて
唇重ねた後は このまま
また君は笑う 悪魔のように Ah
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 朝まで踊る Wow Dance
Sadistic Dance Sadistic Dance 視線集めて
Wow This is my bait
when Japanese think that word is 'bait', even when it sounded so different, it is bait then.
Previous lesson learned from KMKM: Japanese have their own ways with English.
When you break down bait it becomes ba-i-to (バイト) in Japanese. Try to pronounce that in Japanese and you'll know why wotas think that word is bait. Anyway it does make sense in the lyrics. >_<>
I think this song really put their vocals to good use. I especially like the falsetto parts (in the beginning & middle).
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
How Mai-chin gets ishiyoshi'ed
What is Ishiyoshi?
When, with just one seemingly innocuous remark, one knows right away what the other is 'scheming' and plays along.
Their target?
Dachou-san Mai-chin >_<
Modus operandi?
Rika (to Koretty): "You're kidding" (and then innocently at Yossi): "I want to do it."
Yossi: Yeah, everyone wants to try right? So how, how how?
Mai: Ja, I also want to do it.
The other three: Our pleasure~
Mai: Was I had?
Of course she was.
And the result?
A maimed Dralion on national television.
my thoughts...
Do you realise that there will be no Ishiyoshi fandom if there isn't The Internet.
Idol worshipping, yes, as we know people are already crazy about The Beat_les and Mich_ael Jackson even before there is internet. Because there is still TV and radio and newspapers.
But do you think Ishiyoshi can survive or even exist if there's no internet?
In Japan itself maybe, where tv shows, news and neta are endemic, shared amongst those very few who happened to know each other through attending concerts.
Idol worshipping, yes, as we know people are already crazy about The Beat_les and Mich_ael Jackson even before there is internet. Because there is still TV and radio and newspapers.
But do you think Ishiyoshi can survive or even exist if there's no internet?
In Japan itself maybe, where tv shows, news and neta are endemic, shared amongst those very few who happened to know each other through attending concerts.
Friday, April 03, 2009
H&A @myspace
New H&A clip @ myspace
Finally, they are flirting.
Okay... the dolls are... >_<
Finally, they are flirting.
Okay... the dolls are... >_<
Thursday, April 02, 2009
31st Mar & 1st Apr
IZAM had H&A rehearsal on 31st (source: blog). 6 songs including old and new ones. Prolly the girls were with them too. 1st Apr, Yossi was with Kaori. http://blog.oricon.co.jp/iikaori/archive/27/0
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Gatten Gatas 2009-03-30 (02)

Maichin: Thank you for listening for 1 1/2 years. Let's meet again.
Rika: Until now, thank you. Please continue to support Gatas.
Yossi: It's radio again. Thank you for listening. It's fun~ Thank you
Rika's handwriting is neat and squarish, like someone who doesn't write often, because that's when you start to scribble.
Mai-chin writes like a doctor. Yeah, if you know what I mean.
I like Yossi's handwriting. Her strokes look like an art. Like the English touch too~
Is it norm for Japanese to draw 3 dots above the heart, because our favourite couple does that.
Gatten Gatas 2009-03-30 swansong
What a parting gift~
Finally, Rika and Yossi are in it together, with Mai-chin and Konno. YEAH~~
Mai: During Haroten's last MC, you (Yossi) said you were a guy (otoko) from Saitama... what happened?
Rika: You said that ne.
Yossi: Yeah...
Yossi mentioned she had no idea why she said that. She was talking normally... and the word just came out normally and when she realised it she thought 'what did I just say?'. She explained (in the studio) that it might be because she always thought herself as a 'guy', so yeah...
Rika: If Tsuji gave up her ribbons, I would stop my 'HAPPY~' (thinggie).
(bla bla bla...)
Yossi: Mine will be 'LUCKY~'
Yossi: Recently, I found myself not locking up when I visit the loo.
Rika: I don't lock up too.
Yossi & Mai: EH!
Yossi: At home?
Rika: un
Yossi: It's okay at home, isn't it? Mine is while I'm outside. Once when I was in the bullet train.
Mai: dame dame dame.
Yossi: Ain't it bad? What happens if someone opens it? It will be so embarrassing.
There are some more anecdotes which I'll come back, or maybe not. >_<
Finally, Rika and Yossi are in it together, with Mai-chin and Konno. YEAH~~
Mai: During Haroten's last MC, you (Yossi) said you were a guy (otoko) from Saitama... what happened?
Rika: You said that ne.
Yossi: Yeah...
Yossi mentioned she had no idea why she said that. She was talking normally... and the word just came out normally and when she realised it she thought 'what did I just say?'. She explained (in the studio) that it might be because she always thought herself as a 'guy', so yeah...
Rika: If Tsuji gave up her ribbons, I would stop my 'HAPPY~' (thinggie).
(bla bla bla...)
Yossi: Mine will be 'LUCKY~'
Yossi: Recently, I found myself not locking up when I visit the loo.
Rika: I don't lock up too.
Yossi & Mai: EH!
Yossi: At home?
Rika: un
Yossi: It's okay at home, isn't it? Mine is while I'm outside. Once when I was in the bullet train.
Mai: dame dame dame.
Yossi: Ain't it bad? What happens if someone opens it? It will be so embarrassing.
There are some more anecdotes which I'll come back, or maybe not. >_<
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Book, anyone?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Ishiyoshi in Elder's Thank you for you LOVE!
R: Embarrassing~ this is so embarrassing.
Y: Ishikawa Rika-san, come over here please
R: Embarrassing~
bla~ bla~
R: People who know me know that I'm very in love with myself.
Y: Yes, I know that.
R: And when I am free, I will watch vids of myself.
Y: I know that (too).
R: But, where had those (vids) come from?
Y: That's why those are called 'precious' shots.
R: So, what you think?
Y: You looked CUTE... But you look like an obachan now.
R: Why?
Y: You know, actions like these...
bla bla bla~
Actually, you just need to know what had been said in bold, and how Yossi was laughing so very happily when watching the vids on the big screen. >_<
Y: Ishikawa Rika-san, come over here please
R: Embarrassing~
bla~ bla~
R: People who know me know that I'm very in love with myself.
Y: Yes, I know that.
R: And when I am free, I will watch vids of myself.
Y: I know that (too).
R: But, where had those (vids) come from?
Y: That's why those are called 'precious' shots.
R: So, what you think?
Y: You looked CUTE... But you look like an obachan now.
R: Why?
Y: You know, actions like these...
bla bla bla~
Actually, you just need to know what had been said in bold, and how Yossi was laughing so very happily when watching the vids on the big screen. >_<
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Someone from mixi blogged that she saw Rika with four other guys in a casino during the early hours of 25th Mar.
I know this isn't going to go well with readers here...
but I wanna share things I know. >_<
*snails away*
I know this isn't going to go well with readers here...
but I wanna share things I know. >_<
*snails away*
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
off topic
I think Japanese (or most of them) are really nice people. I felt this way because my neighbour (yes, my neighbour is a Japanese) suddenly came over and gave my dad a box of expensive-looking cookies because my retired and very free dad has been helping her water her plants. It's really so very sweet of her, and, she speaks English with a cute accent~
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
not really related, but who cares; it has Rika!
In her blog today, Kemeko mentioned that Rika-chan called her after she had read her blog and knew that she was watching WBC 'live'. So, they chatted on the phone.
Guess all the girls are free today~
By the way, WBC (World Baseball Classsic) is the biggest thing in Japan right now, and the girls were frequently talking about it. Congrats to Japan for winning it again.
Guess all the girls are free today~
By the way, WBC (World Baseball Classsic) is the biggest thing in Japan right now, and the girls were frequently talking about it. Congrats to Japan for winning it again.
Gatten Gatas
Radio Gatten Gatas ends next week...
which means...
we will never get to see Ishiyoshi together in it.
which means...
we will never get to see Ishiyoshi together in it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Whose heart beats faster?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Haro Party 2 @Zepp Tok_yo
Today, H!P elder girls had their last Haroten event.

And it seemed the girls had a good time.
- Rika hid behind Yossi after she had made a bad joke on Yuuko about her age. Yossi stepped forward as if to protect Rika, but instead she told the angry woman to go ahead and carry out the punishment.
- Kemeko told the fans how she had a difficult time, back in Pucchimoni days, trying to get Yossi to open up. Once, when she suggested they go together for 'shabushabu', Yossi had turned to Gotchin (they were closer back then). When Gotchin said she couldn't go, Yossi then said she had something on too.
Yossi: ????(see note: ***)
Yaguchi (to Kemeko): "I thought you and Rika often go for shabushabu nowadays?"
Kemeko: "Yeah, because Rika-chan's ok with it*** So Yossi, you should join us too."
Yossi "All right, let's go later."
- Yossi: "Recently, Rika-san runs out of breath easily"
Rika: "It actually started two years ago"
Yossi: "Before, she wouldn't leave play even when it's time to switch player, but nowadays she just walks out as and when she likes it."
Yaguchi: "How much longer before you get side-lined (permanently)?"
Rika: "Another year?"
-Tsuji: "There was a period back in Minimoni days when I had found it tough."
Yossi: "I understand that feeling. It's was really tough for me too when I was doing 'Shiawase
desuka' "(The crowd laughed themselves silly.)
Yossi: "Sorry, the bentou was really yummy back then."
*** Yossi seemed to be complaining about a particular dish in shabushabu she doesn't like, which explained why she didn't go.

And it seemed the girls had a good time.
- Rika hid behind Yossi after she had made a bad joke on Yuuko about her age. Yossi stepped forward as if to protect Rika, but instead she told the angry woman to go ahead and carry out the punishment.
- Kemeko told the fans how she had a difficult time, back in Pucchimoni days, trying to get Yossi to open up. Once, when she suggested they go together for 'shabushabu', Yossi had turned to Gotchin (they were closer back then). When Gotchin said she couldn't go, Yossi then said she had something on too.
Yossi: ????(see note: ***)
Yaguchi (to Kemeko): "I thought you and Rika often go for shabushabu nowadays?"
Kemeko: "Yeah, because Rika-chan's ok with it*** So Yossi, you should join us too."
Yossi "All right, let's go later."
- Yossi: "Recently, Rika-san runs out of breath easily"
Rika: "It actually started two years ago"
Yossi: "Before, she wouldn't leave play even when it's time to switch player, but nowadays she just walks out as and when she likes it."
Yaguchi: "How much longer before you get side-lined (permanently)?"
Rika: "Another year?"
-Tsuji: "There was a period back in Minimoni days when I had found it tough."
Yossi: "I understand that feeling. It's was really tough for me too when I was doing 'Shiawase
desuka' "(The crowd laughed themselves silly.)
Yossi: "Sorry, the bentou was really yummy back then."
*** Yossi seemed to be complaining about a particular dish in shabushabu she doesn't like, which explained why she didn't go.
Yossi spotted attending Rika's STB event yesterday!
At least that was what some fans thought when a lady and another man appeared and sat around a table on the second floor of the hall. As lights are dimmed for the event, no one had a clear look. However, someone, who happened to near the table, reported that it was Yossi, and the man could be their manager. Although the woman was dressed in dark clothes and trying to be incognito, the giveaway is her blond hair. Fans think Rika's dad was there too.

Red: where Yossi sat. Yellow: Rika's dad.
During a Q&A time when a question asked who are Rika most friendly with, Rika said it has to be Kemeko and Ogawa. Amid the cheers and teasing - because someone's name is missing - Rika said she often hang out with Kemeko, and recently when Ogawa called they had gone out for lunch. Then she added, 'But it's always Yossi whom I often hang out. We would go out for meals and karaoke~'
Finally! This is the first time, after what had been forever, that Rika was talking about Yossi again.
At least that was what some fans thought when a lady and another man appeared and sat around a table on the second floor of the hall. As lights are dimmed for the event, no one had a clear look. However, someone, who happened to near the table, reported that it was Yossi, and the man could be their manager. Although the woman was dressed in dark clothes and trying to be incognito, the giveaway is her blond hair. Fans think Rika's dad was there too.

Red: where Yossi sat. Yellow: Rika's dad.
During a Q&A time when a question asked who are Rika most friendly with, Rika said it has to be Kemeko and Ogawa. Amid the cheers and teasing - because someone's name is missing - Rika said she often hang out with Kemeko, and recently when Ogawa called they had gone out for lunch. Then she added, 'But it's always Yossi whom I often hang out. We would go out for meals and karaoke~'
Finally! This is the first time, after what had been forever, that Rika was talking about Yossi again.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Stalker info, from a stalker who... well, stalks the girls!
Someone was asking why Rika and Yossi were never in scandals, and this is what the so-called stalker said:
Rika: A hikikomori who seldom leaves home. Occasionally, the likes of Ogawa and Yossi will come visit her.
Yossi: Even when she does go out, (I think) it is to walk around the neighbourhood before going back.
You decide how much to believe.
Me? I just thought if I had the opportunity to stalk them, I would have done more, yet would never disclose anything about them >_<
Someone was asking why Rika and Yossi were never in scandals, and this is what the so-called stalker said:
Rika: A hikikomori who seldom leaves home. Occasionally, the likes of Ogawa and Yossi will come visit her.
Yossi: Even when she does go out, (I think) it is to walk around the neighbourhood before going back.
You decide how much to believe.
Me? I just thought if I had the opportunity to stalk them, I would have done more, yet would never disclose anything about them >_<
Come Together concert MC.
First, Rika told the crowd the MC would be all about Konno, because Konno never talked much in past concerts. Changing quickly into a very serious tone, Rika then asked Konno if it was ok to pop a question. And just as the crowd was wondering why Rika had gone serious, Rika asked 'can you tell me how campus life is like?' The bathos caused the crowd to laugh. Rika explained she is curious as she has never been to one. Konno said her university has a nice learning atmosphere. However, the talk invariably changed to food - the one thing Konno only talked about. Both topics ended quickly. But we expect to hear more about Konno since Rika had said it was Konno's MC, right?
Wrong! Because that could never happen with Rika around. So, before the crowd knew when or how it happened, Rika was already on her way to talking about herself. She talked about her recent trip to Hawaii and her first time on a helicopter - one that she got to pilot. Then she went on and on and on, telling the crowd how afraid she was before she got on the helicopter as she was supposed to read and remember everything in a manual given to her earlier. According to her, the studying was as difficult since she hasn't been reading after she left school years ago. But to her surprise, her flying instructor actually told her, after the flying experience, that she was one of the best ten students he ever had; that she owns the 'touch' to fly. Rika felt over the moon about the compliment. She recalled that at one time, the instructor was so confident with her flying that he took his hand off the stick, but it made her more nervous and she stopped talking. As there were three cameras filming her, the cameraman eventually told her 'hey, you have to talk'.
Mai was talking about her blog when Yossi interrupted and said she was checking Mai's blog one day when she came across a title 'marriage'. Reading further, she realised Mai and Ayaka had gone out dining without her. When Yossi looked pretty upset after she had said it, Mai stepped back upon Yossi's questioning gaze and said something like 'I know that will come from you'. Mai recriminated that they had done that to her before, recounting how there was a time when Yossi, Rika and her were dining together and Rika and Yossi both received an email. She thought nothing of it until she found that it was Ayaka who had texted them, which made her very angry because she realised Ayaka had bothered to text their group's new member, Rika, but not her. She recalled, too, another time when Ayaka, Yossi and Rika had gone out without her. She felt so left out. So she now called it quits. Yossi seemed to accept the explanation and shrugged it off saying 'that happens...'. Next, Yossi talked about her first surfing experience and quoting what Rika had said about having a 'touch', she said that she, too, has that touch since she managed to 'succeed' during her first attempt. (She meant being able to stand on the board.)
Note: I may have made some mistake translating.
Do not repost. Not even with credits.
First, Rika told the crowd the MC would be all about Konno, because Konno never talked much in past concerts. Changing quickly into a very serious tone, Rika then asked Konno if it was ok to pop a question. And just as the crowd was wondering why Rika had gone serious, Rika asked 'can you tell me how campus life is like?' The bathos caused the crowd to laugh. Rika explained she is curious as she has never been to one. Konno said her university has a nice learning atmosphere. However, the talk invariably changed to food - the one thing Konno only talked about. Both topics ended quickly. But we expect to hear more about Konno since Rika had said it was Konno's MC, right?
Wrong! Because that could never happen with Rika around. So, before the crowd knew when or how it happened, Rika was already on her way to talking about herself. She talked about her recent trip to Hawaii and her first time on a helicopter - one that she got to pilot. Then she went on and on and on, telling the crowd how afraid she was before she got on the helicopter as she was supposed to read and remember everything in a manual given to her earlier. According to her, the studying was as difficult since she hasn't been reading after she left school years ago. But to her surprise, her flying instructor actually told her, after the flying experience, that she was one of the best ten students he ever had; that she owns the 'touch' to fly. Rika felt over the moon about the compliment. She recalled that at one time, the instructor was so confident with her flying that he took his hand off the stick, but it made her more nervous and she stopped talking. As there were three cameras filming her, the cameraman eventually told her 'hey, you have to talk'.
Mai was talking about her blog when Yossi interrupted and said she was checking Mai's blog one day when she came across a title 'marriage'. Reading further, she realised Mai and Ayaka had gone out dining without her. When Yossi looked pretty upset after she had said it, Mai stepped back upon Yossi's questioning gaze and said something like 'I know that will come from you'. Mai recriminated that they had done that to her before, recounting how there was a time when Yossi, Rika and her were dining together and Rika and Yossi both received an email. She thought nothing of it until she found that it was Ayaka who had texted them, which made her very angry because she realised Ayaka had bothered to text their group's new member, Rika, but not her. She recalled, too, another time when Ayaka, Yossi and Rika had gone out without her. She felt so left out. So she now called it quits. Yossi seemed to accept the explanation and shrugged it off saying 'that happens...'. Next, Yossi talked about her first surfing experience and quoting what Rika had said about having a 'touch', she said that she, too, has that touch since she managed to 'succeed' during her first attempt. (She meant being able to stand on the board.)
Note: I may have made some mistake translating.
Do not repost. Not even with credits.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I did not write this, only translate it.
Found another interesting post in Chinese. Thanks to loveyossy who cut paste this in h!o Yossi's thread. It's quite a funny post. The problem seems to arise from an upfront official polaroid of Yossi, Koharu and someone else, who sorry-I-don't-remember-and-don't-bother-checking, and the debate is on their height. Let me translate it for the benefit of those who don't read Chinese.
我操,你們這群美國佬真是要把我氣死了。我要非常清楚而且鄭重的告訴你們,吉澤瞳的身高是165cm!!!!這在早安家族03,04,06年的運動會的身高表上都表示的非常清楚,不信你們自己去拿尺子量!!!!!而且就這張圖而言,吉澤瞳看起來還是要比小春高的,雖然只高一點點,因爲小春也基本是165cm 了。
告訴你們一個事實吧,去年在早安來上海開演唱會之前,純純和琳琳曾先一步回國做宣傳,在接受網上聊天採訪時,純純親口說自己只有166cm, 之後早安去韓國開演唱會的時候,視頻資料裏純純的身高也寫的是166cm。因爲這個很多人都認爲純純的身高是166cm。可事實上呢,純純至少是 168cm,準確來説是169cm,因爲她自己說到了日本之後又長高了1cm。
Note: I did not write this, merely translate it. The vulgarities are from the original writer, not me. >_<
Fuck! You Am_ericans are driving me to my grave. Let me tell you clearly and seriously that Yossi's height is 165cm!!!! This was clearly stated in the stats of H!P sports festival held in year 02,03,06. If you don't believe me, get a ruler to measure it yourself. And even in the picture per se, you could still see that Yossi is taller than Koharu, though only slightly taller, because Koharu herself is 165cm.
Let me tell you a FACT: when MM went to Shanghai last year, Junjun and Linlin had arrived earlier, and during a net interview Junjun had said that she is 166cm tall. When MM went to Korea later, official stats, too, put Junjun's height at 166cm. Because of that, many people believe that Junjun is 166cm tall. The truth? She is at least 168cm tall. Frankly speaking, it should be 169cm now since she said she has grown another 1cm after arriving in Japan.
So, do not believe that it is true even if the girls said so themselves. Everybody can lie, especially celebrities!!!! Besides, Yossi doesn't want people to know that she is 165cm tall, so that idle people won't be messing around with her, moreover, Ai is her disciple. Music Fighter is a pre-recorded tv show, and you never knew what was edited away, like things they don't want people to know. On top of that, the height chart in H!P sports festival was done so elusively that not many people will understand it, except me, of course, who has great analytical skills. So, even if the TRUTH is out there, no one will ever notice it. As I had said earlier: in Japan it means SOMETHING if girls are taller than 165cm, and that is something you Europe_ans will never understand!!!!
Please, if you are free, go read up those jap forums with threads scolding Yossi. The words are so vicious and inimical that I almost want to cry when I read them. Those rumors and gossips are really too much. Like any girl who is in her early twenties, she wants to look pretty, not getting scold at. PIG! WHITE BEAR! Even tags like these are considered mild. At those name-calling times, do people actually remember Tsun_ku had once called her tensai dekini kawaii? To be frank, Yossi should be considered the first among 4th Gen the company groomed. To think she is now so hated and scolded; one even said 'Quick get rid of that leader!' How would Yossi feel?
And there is one Junjun, who traveled alone, all the way from China to Japan, to a country where she has language barriers, to pursue her dream. But before she can fulfill her dreams, she hear, with whatever little understanding of the Japanese language she has, unkind words like sausage, ham and banana... Naturally, she would wonder how she had become the target of such nasty criticisms. It won't take her long to realize it was because of her size, which is considered an anomaly in a group where all the girls look small. That is the reason why the girls want to become 'small' in peoples' eyes, even if it means just a little smaller. Why can't you accept a girl's little wishful thinking? If you ask, why is it that Koharu can be so frank about her height. I say it's because that girl has never been harshly criticised before. Since the day she joined, the company has set its mind to groom the miracle girl; she will never understand the plight of others.
Hereby, I beg you people to think with that big brain of yours or I would have to call you STUPID!
My thoughts:
I won't judge the writer because everyone has their right of speech, although I would say the article is very interesting (not that I agree with him/her).
我操,你們這群美國佬真是要把我氣死了。我要非常清楚而且鄭重的告訴你們,吉澤瞳的身高是165cm!!!!這在早安家族03,04,06年的運動會的身高表上都表示的非常清楚,不信你們自己去拿尺子量!!!!!而且就這張圖而言,吉澤瞳看起來還是要比小春高的,雖然只高一點點,因爲小春也基本是165cm 了。
告訴你們一個事實吧,去年在早安來上海開演唱會之前,純純和琳琳曾先一步回國做宣傳,在接受網上聊天採訪時,純純親口說自己只有166cm, 之後早安去韓國開演唱會的時候,視頻資料裏純純的身高也寫的是166cm。因爲這個很多人都認爲純純的身高是166cm。可事實上呢,純純至少是 168cm,準確來説是169cm,因爲她自己說到了日本之後又長高了1cm。
Note: I did not write this, merely translate it. The vulgarities are from the original writer, not me. >_<
Fuck! You Am_ericans are driving me to my grave. Let me tell you clearly and seriously that Yossi's height is 165cm!!!! This was clearly stated in the stats of H!P sports festival held in year 02,03,06. If you don't believe me, get a ruler to measure it yourself. And even in the picture per se, you could still see that Yossi is taller than Koharu, though only slightly taller, because Koharu herself is 165cm.
Let me tell you a FACT: when MM went to Shanghai last year, Junjun and Linlin had arrived earlier, and during a net interview Junjun had said that she is 166cm tall. When MM went to Korea later, official stats, too, put Junjun's height at 166cm. Because of that, many people believe that Junjun is 166cm tall. The truth? She is at least 168cm tall. Frankly speaking, it should be 169cm now since she said she has grown another 1cm after arriving in Japan.
So, do not believe that it is true even if the girls said so themselves. Everybody can lie, especially celebrities!!!! Besides, Yossi doesn't want people to know that she is 165cm tall, so that idle people won't be messing around with her, moreover, Ai is her disciple. Music Fighter is a pre-recorded tv show, and you never knew what was edited away, like things they don't want people to know. On top of that, the height chart in H!P sports festival was done so elusively that not many people will understand it, except me, of course, who has great analytical skills. So, even if the TRUTH is out there, no one will ever notice it. As I had said earlier: in Japan it means SOMETHING if girls are taller than 165cm, and that is something you Europe_ans will never understand!!!!
Please, if you are free, go read up those jap forums with threads scolding Yossi. The words are so vicious and inimical that I almost want to cry when I read them. Those rumors and gossips are really too much. Like any girl who is in her early twenties, she wants to look pretty, not getting scold at. PIG! WHITE BEAR! Even tags like these are considered mild. At those name-calling times, do people actually remember Tsun_ku had once called her tensai dekini kawaii? To be frank, Yossi should be considered the first among 4th Gen the company groomed. To think she is now so hated and scolded; one even said 'Quick get rid of that leader!' How would Yossi feel?
And there is one Junjun, who traveled alone, all the way from China to Japan, to a country where she has language barriers, to pursue her dream. But before she can fulfill her dreams, she hear, with whatever little understanding of the Japanese language she has, unkind words like sausage, ham and banana... Naturally, she would wonder how she had become the target of such nasty criticisms. It won't take her long to realize it was because of her size, which is considered an anomaly in a group where all the girls look small. That is the reason why the girls want to become 'small' in peoples' eyes, even if it means just a little smaller. Why can't you accept a girl's little wishful thinking? If you ask, why is it that Koharu can be so frank about her height. I say it's because that girl has never been harshly criticised before. Since the day she joined, the company has set its mind to groom the miracle girl; she will never understand the plight of others.
Hereby, I beg you people to think with that big brain of yours or I would have to call you STUPID!
My thoughts:
I won't judge the writer because everyone has their right of speech, although I would say the article is very interesting (not that I agree with him/her).
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
2 + 9
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
1444 in Come Together
Whenever I watch a Gatas concert I would wonder why they have the worst-looking stage outfits ever! Ok, I know it's not the girls' fault at all, besides some people may argue that Yossi was looking so very cool in that black outfit. Anyway this place isn't about that but 1444!
But this is...

the only scene I see them interacting. It was as if they had purposely restrained themselves so that they won't become any talking point in jap forums, where they had been for past concerts.
Sad ah?
However, I think I still manage to notice a little something else....

during EGGs' MC when Yossi asked where would the girls go (for holiday) if they had a few days off from work. Koretty and Sawa-chan chose to go overseas while Sengoku and Notchi preferred to stay in Japan. Following Sawa-chan's invitation to have Yossi join her in her holiday to Korea, Notchi, too, asked Yossi and Maichin and Konno - basically, all Gatas senpai - to go together with her to Hokkaido when Koretty asked 'why didn't you ask Rika-chan along?'. Although everyone - and I really mean everyone - in the venue (yes, including the fans) knew why Koretty had asked that question, Yossi had taken a longer time to response. She seemed stunned for a few seconds before she appeared to understand Koretty's real reason for asking, which everybody, of course, knew was 'why hadn't Notchi included Rika in her fav. senpai list?' However, during that few seconds, Yossi had appeared like she was thinking of other things, as if there was another connotation - like Koretty was asking 'Oh Notchi, don't you know Y would prefer to travel with R too? Of course you should but why didn't you ask R along?'. So, maybe Yossi didn't want to response and was waiting to see where things were heading so that she won't be caught saying the wrong stuffs. Come on, isn't it obvious that she wasn't thinking what others were thinking?
Me crazy? Well, just my little idiosyncrasy.
Anyway, let's clap for a job well-done!

and Good bye!
P/S: Yossi, anyone told you that you actually look great in pink?
especially with that complexion of yours. >_<
But this is...
the only scene I see them interacting. It was as if they had purposely restrained themselves so that they won't become any talking point in jap forums, where they had been for past concerts.
Sad ah?
However, I think I still manage to notice a little something else....
during EGGs' MC when Yossi asked where would the girls go (for holiday) if they had a few days off from work. Koretty and Sawa-chan chose to go overseas while Sengoku and Notchi preferred to stay in Japan. Following Sawa-chan's invitation to have Yossi join her in her holiday to Korea, Notchi, too, asked Yossi and Maichin and Konno - basically, all Gatas senpai - to go together with her to Hokkaido when Koretty asked 'why didn't you ask Rika-chan along?'. Although everyone - and I really mean everyone - in the venue (yes, including the fans) knew why Koretty had asked that question, Yossi had taken a longer time to response. She seemed stunned for a few seconds before she appeared to understand Koretty's real reason for asking, which everybody, of course, knew was 'why hadn't Notchi included Rika in her fav. senpai list?' However, during that few seconds, Yossi had appeared like she was thinking of other things, as if there was another connotation - like Koretty was asking 'Oh Notchi, don't you know Y would prefer to travel with R too? Of course you should but why didn't you ask R along?'. So, maybe Yossi didn't want to response and was waiting to see where things were heading so that she won't be caught saying the wrong stuffs. Come on, isn't it obvious that she wasn't thinking what others were thinking?
Me crazy? Well, just my little idiosyncrasy.
Anyway, let's clap for a job well-done!
and Good bye!
P/S: Yossi, anyone told you that you actually look great in pink?
especially with that complexion of yours. >_<
songs best 3
Memorable song selection Best 3
1. Happy Summer Wedding
My debut song in MM and H!P
2. Chuu Summer Party
My first unit. I was really into the image (costume and hairstyle).
The last song of our H!P graduation concert.
1. Happy Summer Wedding
My debut song
2. Baby! Koi ni Knockout!
My first unit. A song that even when it was sung many times in a concert, would still manage to hype up the tension in crowd. Enjoy making the PV too.
3. Mr.Moonlight~Ai no Big Band
First time I cross-dressed and took centrestage. I remember being very very nervous when doing the recording for the dialogue part. This is a very important song to me.
1. Happy Summer Wedding
My debut song in MM and H!P
2. Chuu Summer Party
My first unit. I was really into the image (costume and hairstyle).
The last song of our H!P graduation concert.
1. Happy Summer Wedding
My debut song
2. Baby! Koi ni Knockout!
My first unit. A song that even when it was sung many times in a concert, would still manage to hype up the tension in crowd. Enjoy making the PV too.
3. Mr.Moonlight~Ai no Big Band
First time I cross-dressed and took centrestage. I remember being very very nervous when doing the recording for the dialogue part. This is a very important song to me.
Monday, March 16, 2009
my thoughts...
Watching hAngry and Angry performing in a live house I wonder if Rika had any rocker blood in her, or was she playing the role of Angry to a T? As for Yossi, well, she rocks badass, at least she appears to be. She was really enjoying herself. The camera seemed to like her too as it was on her most of the time, poor Rika getting a cameo only when she was near Yossi.
Sometimes I rather see a crazy Rika, because a reserved Rika is a dull Rika. >_<
Watching hAngry and Angry performing in a live house I wonder if Rika had any rocker blood in her, or was she playing the role of Angry to a T? As for Yossi, well, she rocks badass, at least she appears to be. She was really enjoying herself. The camera seemed to like her too as it was on her most of the time, poor Rika getting a cameo only when she was near Yossi.
Sometimes I rather see a crazy Rika, because a reserved Rika is a dull Rika. >_<
Saturday, March 14, 2009
i-shi-yo-shi in China

I have never seen an Ishiyoshi article in Japanese lest expect one in another language, so you can picture my surprise when I saw this posted in a jap forum. The article is from China although I have no idea if it's from a newspaper or a magazine or a newsletter. I was, nevertheless, intrigued.
The writer is no doubt an Ishiyoshi wota. He or she brought up some interesting points, some so in-depth that I thought only a die-hard wota would know, and for a moment I even had this strange notion that the writer actually visited this place. I may be wrong though I remember a China I.P had made over hundred hits in a single day on this blog a few weeks ago. That is because this place seldom have so many visitors, so I remember it clearly.
I wanted to do a translation for people who can't read Chinese, but I realize my translation skills is lousy and the fact that my Chinese isn't really that good. Fret not though as there is nothing new in the article as everything mentioned can be found in this blog too, except for one where it says Rika was caught adjusting Yossi's clothes when they were watching a baseball match, which I have no idea when that happened so I would appreciate if anyone could enlighten me. Other than that, I really appreciate the article though I just thought they could use better pictures. >_<
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