Who'd said and done what in GATAS BRILHANTES H.P.と行く FC TOUR in HAWAII
(Not all details as I just picked info involving 1444. And I missed out the skits. Do feel free to correct any mistake in my translations)
First meeting with fans
Yossi: Aloha, we're finally in Hawaii again. Did you people reach here yesterday?
Miki: I heard there are fans who arrived late. (Then someone among the audience responsed) Was it you? (It turned out to be the wrong person.) Why did you reply? (This time, other people put up their hands.)
Yossi: Anyway, we're now here safely. So, what did you people do yesterday?
Mai: I went shopping, (To the fans) and we met right? And even exchanged greetings.
Yossi: That is something that won't happen in Tokyo. Here, we (members) are moving (freely) around alot.
Miki: In fact, all of us had gone shopping except for Yoshizawa-san who was at the beach.
Yossi: Well, that is because I thought since we're all the way here in HAWAII and HAWAII means being near the sea. I was lying on a chair and reading a book. The sea is beautiful~ The people (foreigners) are beautiful~ gulp~ Let's toast!
Miki: Sugoi ne~ to have come all the way to Hawaii to read a book, in Japanese language though, since you can't read English.
Yossi: There's nothing wrong with it, and time passes real fast. So any other things other members did?
Mai: Sad to say this but, I went shopping with Rika-chan.
Rika: Didn't we have dinner together yesterday?
Yossi: Aa~ Konno-san~
Rika: When they served the main dish (they seem to have gone to a restaurant famous for their lobster cuisine) this person here (points to Mai) thought that 'ROBUSUTA-' had meant some meat (red meat).
Yossi: Yeah! And she was wondering whether the dish would come baked on hot pebbles or in a pan.
Rika: Kind of stupid.
Miki: I so understand how everybody must have been thinking.
Mai: And when they used the terms 1匹2匹 (counter), I was wondering why they had used '匹' to count meat; and where the cut starts and where it ends...
Miki: This afternoon, we went hiking.
Yossi: We know it is natural that the birds will come flocking when outdoors, and since Hawaii is full of pigeons, Rika-chan was going 'KYA-! KYA!' all the time and saying 'I don't wanna be here, I wanna go shopping!'
Rika: It's like a living-hell!
Miki: Even when we're eating, Rika-chan would eat with her hands covering her eyes.
Rika: Because I didn't want others to say I was noisy. I even covered my eyes so that I could eat quietly. And I felt so stressed with these pigeons everywhere.
After Rika had won the Musical chair game.
Rika: I never thought I would win.
Miki: That's quite a climax and surprise.
Mai: Surprise?
Miki: Yeah~ so unlike Rika; I mean normally she's so nice and always giving way to people (douzo~ douzo~)
Mai: Because that won't do for this game~
Yossi: So funny~
They had a quiz game and later played out some skits.
Next day: Mass morning exercise event
Yossi: Good morning~ OHA~ Slept well last night? Maybe some didn't sleep at all? I believe they're people who drank the whole night away. After yesterday's event, we (Gatas members) had gone eating and shopping and other stuffs.
Rika: Since I would try the famous tapioca milk tea whenever I was in Hawaii, Shibata-chan, Kore-chan and I went to try it yesterday. It was Korechan's first time tasting it. Here, Korechan, tell us how the taste is?
Koretty: Very yummy~ (faulty mic so her voice turned out soft).
Rika: We can't hear you.
Shibata: Aa~, can you people hear? Let's hear from Korechan again.
Yossi: (demostrating with actions and by speaking very loudly into her mic) So~ let's hear from Korechan. What do you think of the tapioca milk tea?
Koretty: It's very yummy~ (still unclear, so Mai did some adjustment)
Koretty: It's very yummy~ (loud and clear now)
Rika: How about others?
Mai: I went shopping with Mikitty.
Miki: And we met some fans. They're nice and wished us a good time shopping.
Mai: What did you fans buy as souvenir?
FANS: KONA KO-HI- (KONA coffee) (and laughed)
(There's a joke about Shibata involved here. KONA COFFEE is a brand of famous Hawaiian coffee beans. However, in Japanese, KONA also means 粉 which is 'powder', and although Shibata knows Hawaii is famous for its KONA coffee, she thought that 'KONA KO-HI-' had meant coffee in its powder form so she had written 粉コーヒー (powder coffee) in the tour pamphlet, which turned out to be a betise that would haunt her for time to come. (As you will later read.)

Shibata: I thought the beans meant powder. I've learnt something new this time.
Miki: Hawaii doesn't have coffee powder; Japan has it though.
Shibata: To think I was so confident when I was writing it...
Yossi: When Rika saw the pamphlet, she was laughing though she said 'I shouldn't be laughing since she (Shibata) has put in effort (in the answers). '
Rika: However, during the photo shoot with fans yesterday, I saw fans carrying banners with those words.
Shibata: Please stop it.
Mai: (then cuts in) The word 'KONA KO-HI-' is now taboo if Shibata is around.
Yossi: We're into the second day, and are kinda blessed with nice weather. Hawaii just reminds me of pineapple, hula dance, kona coffee--
Mai: (cuts in abruptly) No~ don't say it. Delicate topic...
Shibata: (speechless...)
Yossi: Sorry! eh... and tapioca milk tea and, of course, radio exercise~
Mini concert. 'CHERRY' MC
Rika: This song is by request. Those who had seen the episode on air should notice me suddenly stop singing during the encore part.
Yossi: That's because you kept laughing.
Rika: Well... we only started recording after three takes, and after we're sure everything was well-rehearsed, but in the end, at the very end Yossi just...
Yossi: Too sudden, right?
Rika: Yeah, I was taken aback and was kinda blushed. Though I'll be prepared today.
Yossi: And so we bring forth this Hawaii-only exclusive unit~
By popular demand, they did some skits again. A particular scene involved them going shopping. Amid the terms: shopping market, shopping mall and K-mart, Mai mentioned 'JUSCO' that quickly reminded Yossi of 'Jasko'; a nickname Rika had chosen for herself during their last fanclub tour in Hawaii.
The last part was the hand-shaking event in this order.
Credits to the people who attended the tour and who assiduously typed out every detail to share with others who couldn't be there.
And browsing through the report, I came to my own conclusion and thoughts about my fav. pair. I couldn't help notice Yossi being particularly concerned with things happening and surrounding Rika, and her wicked sense of humor. I like, too, the part where she said she spent a day on the beach, but not because she's reading... I believed she actually had a great time ogling at "?????". (LOL).
Rika's at her best and natural when in private (cynical and childish). In front of her fans, she gives off an aura of being too uptight and sometimes I think she tries too hard to be proper. She should learn to be herself =) at all times. And I noticed too that she mentioned to the fans she went shopping with Mai, Shibata and Koretty, conveniently missing out another member although fans sighted (mixi report) them together, and it makes me wonder why.
Mai's really funny. I think she's just being silly (in a fun way), not stupid (as others put it) because it takes wit to come up with jokes which make people laugh and from what's being reported, she was really ingenious with her impromptu and funny lines in the skit.
Miki's still being herself, taking a dig at everybody when the opportunity arises and people love her for that.
Koretty's opening up more. There's a part where other members showed great rapport and played her out, tricking her to do the 'dosun' pose alone on stage.
Konno's topic always involve food and it's getting trite.
And for Shibata, I think she'd trade a million to change her answers in the pamphlet.
Finally, thank you for reading.
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