Friday, August 08, 2008

When everybody wants a piece of Yossi

Said Erika during a MC segment at a v-u-den concert :-

Can I say something? Recently, during our first stop at Osaka, while we were in our resting room, Rika-chan received an email from Yoshizawa Hitomi san saying 'Congrats'

(Crowd: Wooo~)

And not long later, Yui-chan received the same email from Yoshizawa san. And both of them were so happy after that and well... I received nothing.

(Crowd laughing)

..and I think that's because Yoshizawa-san doesn't have my email address. So yesterday when Yoshizawa-san and I met at work, I told her about the matter and she said "sorry, let's exchange contacts later". Well, after we have finished work, I saw Yoshizawa san meddling with her cell phone and I thought ok, we are about to exchange contacts. But when she saw me, she just said "Otsukare~" and left !

(Crowd died laughing)

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