Friday, August 08, 2008

my thoughts...

Basically I think every h!p coupling fangirl falls only into 2 categorizes - "Action" & "Thought".

To me, Action-type fangirls go for 'visual' stimulation, like going crazy for any coupling that's openly groping each other (chinagirl&turtle or rabbit&turtle), and they jump bandwagon as fast as you could flip a roti-prata.

Thought-types are more mental; they would see, hear, process and filter before coming to a conclusion, and you can expect them to stick to their fav. pairing for a long long time~

Vague, it seems. Let's put it in a simpler way. One thinks like a 'man' (with what's in their pants) while the other thinks like 'woman' (with their brains).

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