After seeing Yajima being paired up with senpai Abe, these two girls decided to have a go at it too. And the first senpai they approached was none other than Satoda Mai, who...
... said it's impossible since her company wouldn't allow it (talks as if they belong to different companies LOL).
Not giving up, they began searching for their next targets and saw Rika conveniently around...
who chose Okachan even before Momochan had done asking...
Then Yossi came along...
Yossi's decision was kinda obvious since Rika was pushing Okachan towards her.
Who will be the next hit by a scandal (caught dating a guy)
Is your left hand's fourth finger longer than index finger?
According to a study, 80% of gay people (surveyed) have their fourth finger longer than their index finger. So, chances are eight out of ten who had voted 'yes' are .... Haha~ The poll is for fun. Don't take it seriously. >_<
Just curious... how many fans of Ishiyoshi are gay?
Despite its hilarity, despite your complains, you still love KillMeKissMe PV to bits, right? Yes? NO?
The latest poll was terminated early because it is now known that they might perform in 'MySpace's 2nd year anniversary'.
Now we are sure there will be a PV, do you think they'll appear on TV shows or perform 'live' ?
Do you think there will be any PV coming from Hangry & Angry (mini-album) ?
Seriously, you have been listening to 'Kill Me Kiss Me'
Do you think Ishiyoshi WOTAS are disgusting? I mean those self-proclaimed, hard-core ones... where everything happening in this world has got to do with 1444
In your eyes, who is prettier?
Who do you think will be the dominant one in the relationship if they are dating (each other)?
Who do you think will get married first?
Do you think Rika & Yossi really kissed in that PV?
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